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Do you read the spoiler boards before reading the books?


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I usually don't visit that side of the forums though I usually read through the book as soon as it is released so there is not much to be spoiled on save for the pre-released stuff. I did read the "7 striped lass" that was released here but by the time the book is released in almost a month i will have forgotten most of it, one of the benefits of having a mind like a sieve ;) Not sure if I am going to purchase the prologue, i usually do but not sure if I am going to do it this time, might just wait.

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I totally avoid the Spoiler boards...like the plague. Last year, I didn't read the Prologue release either but I caved on that this year and have been listening to the audio of it. Just pre-ordered my ToM from Amazon as well. :biggrin:

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NO! The closest to a spoiler I allow myself is Brandon reading from the prologue. THAT'S IT! lol I don't buy the prologues, no matter how my hands itch to push the "order" button. I avoid spoiler threads, at all costs, which is really easy, since I can count the number of times I've been on topic in the last 6 years on one hand and have fingers left over. Seriously, I scare people when I prove I've actually read the books... *laughs*

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I don't read the spoiler boards, and I get on the case of any friends I catch spoilering. Even if I HAD read everything available under the sun in advance, it's dead rude to risk ruining it for other people. Anyways, I'm reading other things at current (just finished another ASoIaF read-through, and am now entering a pile of Steampunk), so between that and just being a busy bee... not gonna be that bothered. Outside of slapping people who think spoilering openly is okay. :laugh:

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*smirks and nods at Raeyn* Indeed, it is! Uncle Sam'll fix that, Arath! ;)



And no, Myst. Usually when something on topic comes out of my mouth (having a rep as the Spam Queen in my younger years prolly didn't help...), it's a shock to DM's system. I could wax poetic about how Jaqueline Carey needs to read more Robert Jordan so she stops turning her men into emo freaks, for example. Lan and Jocelin have so much in common, but aside from a little OP-wrought death-wish, Lan's ten times the man Jocelin is. He never left the woman he loved/was bonded to because he was tired of people looking at him. Oh, I wanted to punch him so much for that!


At any rate, I'm pretty sure if you ask most people, they'll tell you they don't believe I've read more than a handful of the books and that was so long ago I probably don't remember much. Mainly because I have some pretty wild theories (Elaida would make a fabulous tragic hero, for example! Imagine her saving Eggie's life...), perhaps?


*waves her hand* bah, it's midnight and I'm babbling... sorry 'bout that...

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