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So anyway...


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Uh-oh. I think I've just been Skechided. Back, you! Also, I'd like to lodge a formal complaint about the site's total lack of a good eye rolling smiley.


One more thing...got an introductory post ready to go. Do I need a final go-ahead to post it?

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I would reply, but honestly I forget what situation I left with as Dash :unsure: so posting right now would be a bad thing... and most of my DM thoughts have been on trying to get my Warder reactivated and having to recall the his old details to update that bio.



But now to delegate.... Arath what state did I leave Dashiva in :unsure:

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I like how his being offered Attack Leader seems to be a direct consequence of shattering his fist. You KNOW how we Black Coat boys like it. *ahem*


Also, I'm sure being fuzzy and the copious amounts of alcohol had nothing to do anything each other.

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sounds like as good a place as any :unsure: so I can just skip forwards a little bit and assume I've been doing Baijin'm'hael type things for a while now. I refuse to take back on being in charge of the new guys, that was Skechy's job anyways. He was so much better at terrifying the new recruits.



Z can have his position back of keeping them in line, you psychotic..... *hands Z a very large mug of beer* amazing guy he is. :unsure:



Maybe Dash can just hold the position of attempting to replace Kor, even though that has apparently taken on self-regulation. Yes, Dashiva is quite lost as to his role now...

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