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Who would you LOVE to turn out as a DF


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Olver a DF.. how lovely!


Shall I take that a bit further and ask if Olver is Fain in disguise?? Descriptions from EncWoT..




He is gaunt and sullen-looking. He is ugly with a squashed nose, a mouth too wide for his face and ears too big that stick out besides. He looks six but claims to be nine. (LoC,Ch5) He is short and skinny with huge ears, nose and mouth. He looks ten. (ACoS,Ch28)




He is a pale, skinny fellow with gangly arms and a massive beak of a nose. (TEotW,Ch3) He is a skinny little fellow with a large nose and wide ears. (ACoS,Ch35)


Except for the nose, he'd be the spitting image..



Releif. :)


Logain is someone I would love to turn out as a darkfriend.


I don't think Noal is a darkfriend, he has been fiddled with by Ishy/Moridin possibly among others: Greandal - the old man in her retreat. I can see him doing something bad though and I hope he doesn't redeem himself like Ingtar.


I have a gut feeling about Berelain and Rhuarc, also Bair or Sorelia. I think one of those two wise ones will turn out to be a shadowy yokey. Leaning towards Sorelia as it will be fun to see Cadsuane reaction, with her musings concerning the Wise One.


What's the odds their is an unknown darkfriend with all three of main boys.

What's the odds their is an unknown darkfriend with all three of main boys.


I think it's very likely.



Annora is a shifty one, like a spider, wouldn't be surprised if she turned out a darky, as for Berelain, she's gonna hook up with Galad.


What's the odds their is an unknown darkfriend with all three of main boys.


I think it's very likely.



Annora is a shifty one, like a spider, wouldn't be surprised if she turned out a darky, as for Berelain, she's gonna hook up with Galad.


What was that viewing/dream about Berelain falling for a guy in white?


That waqs the precise extent of Min's viewing, that Berelain would fall bad for a man in white, IIRC.


Which can only be Galad, if you think about it. She's not gonna stoop to snuggling with a common Child soldier, I really don't think Asuanawa is her cup of tea, and Perrin wasn't made gai'shain.


The Sauciest Leader in The Known World is gonna hook up with The Prettiest Man in The Known World.


Be interesting to see how stuffy he is after that...!


Well then it doesn't meant anything will come of it then. Shadow lovers surely can fall in love with someone in their own way. So the fact that Berelain falls for someone does not mean she is a light friend. Lanfear loves Lews Therin or his power so why not Berelain love someone for power?


Berelain is a dirty shadow loving darkfriend just watch.


I'm on the fence about Berelain - she could be just a clever, good looking woman using what she has to keep her lil' country free of greedy big neighbours.


Or she could be a nasty cow.




Cadsuane, so we can see a horrible agonizing death scene on her part. 


I think Rhaurc and Sulin might be good candidates, even Amys. 


Dyelin, I don't understand how she wouldn't want power.  Something doesn't seem right to me. 


Berelain or Annoura.  They have questionable motives at times.


Sorilia would be awesome if she was a DF.


Romanda or Lelaine, just to see that catfight.  (haven't read tGS yet, so don't tell me it's happened)




Dyelin, I don't understand how she wouldn't want power.  Something doesn't seem right to me.



Heehee, this might say more about you than Dyelin... ;D


Tam al'Thor


He ends up on Dragonmount trying to get away from the stink of death. He's seen pretty much the extremes of how nasty humans can be. He takes baby Rand back home and tries to forget about it.




Fast forward to his meeting with Rand. The boy he raised as his own almost kills him because of what the AS and others who supposedly fight for the Light have done to him by way of their manipulations. Tam's not stupid, he makes the connection immediately. So far as I can tell, Tam is an upstanding guy, but so is Rand and he came a hairsbreadth from destroying the world. Tam doesn't have the advantage of remembering all his past lives like Rand did in VOG. Maybe he's come to the same conclusions as Ishy/Moridin/Elan...



Don't you love theories built with moonbeams and happenstance? :P


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