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Dear Black Tower - A Shayol Ghul Confessional


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Pit of Doom,

Shayol Ghul,

The Blight.


To Whom it May Concern:


Recently it has come to my attention that the Shayol Ghul Social Group has an entirely undeserved reputation for dastardly deeds, evil plotting and general unsociable intent. I wish to assure you that this is not the case. In particular, attention focuses on the Dark One, and rumours of misconduct by the servents of the Dark.


Firstly: contrary to popular perception, the Dark One is not an evil overlord hell-bent on destroying the pattern. What would be the point? There's nothing to rule over if it's all destroyed, after all. The Dark One simply wishes to free this world from the shackles of the present political system and instead install democracy. I urge you to consider the present agenda of those that run Dragonmount - in particular the actions of those known as "Jason" and "Kathana" - and decide for yourselves whether or not Dragonmount is truly democratic. I wish you to ponder the political situation in places like Andor, where vast tracts of land are ruled over by a monarchy, and Seanchan, where those who can channel are leashed. The Dark One cares for, and fights for, the small people (and his name, this month, is Limi).


Secondly: claims of mass murder and other misdemeanors are the result of propaganda spread by the above regime, with the aid of American multinationals like Tor Books. Particularly troubling is the involvement of Brandon Sanderson in spreading these rumors irresponsibly. They should not be taken seriously. Myrdraals are cute and cuddly and to discriminate against them because of their colour is something that I thought we as a society were past long ago. Trollocs are unjustly infamous for their cookpots - can they be blamed for needing to cook on the move? Fighting for democracy is hungry work, and even if the occasional person is eaten in aid of this fight, the Trollocs are misunderstood, gentle creatures at heart. Focus your attention instead on truly evil creatures like Ogier, the Nym, and Bela, the Creator.


In conclusion, please do not take what you read at face value. I trust that after some thought you will see the rightfulness behind our cause. I invite you to take a look at our boards and see for yourself how the fight against tyranny is being fought on the battlefields of Dragonmount.


Kind Regards



Shayol Ghul Leader

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