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WoT movie?


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If the WoT was made into a movie it would most likely become another movie legend.(such as LotR)


Personally I would greatly dislike it since many times the movies are a great disappointment. The actors are (of course) never how you pictured them and they tend to cut so many important events that they end up having to change the entire story.


I understand that since every one has a diferent imagination the whole actor thing is impossible and that they have to cut things in order to make the movies shorter.( I know only one person who could sit through a movie longer than four hours)It all can still be a little dissappointing.Although I loved the LotR


What do you think :?:


A movie would be AWESOME! So long as they didn't change too many things. I agree with you on what happened with LoTR, that was extremely frustrating. But can you imagine how long it would take to finish just the first two books? And who would you choose to play say....Rand?




Unknown actors tend to do realy good. Their isn't a problem with the ones that we know but it is always nice to see new faces.They seem to do realy well in action/fantasy movies.(Orlando Bloom and Daniel Radcliffe 8) )


You couldnt make a WoT movie without cutting tons of stuff... A WoT miniseries like NBC originally had planned would be the best case scenario. First three seasons are the first 3-5 books then you do another 3-4 for the last books.


You've got to understand something about RJ's books, there is not really all that much talking, alot of each book is devoted to imagery and mindsets, as well as thoughts, which would make a movie alot harder to make. But all in all, it would be one hell of a movie.


a WOT movie would need a series of 12 LOTR length segments and it is unlikely to be funded. a mini series is a good idea, but again you would need at least 24 hour-long episodes to get to the end and that's more than a full season of a regular television show. if they do make a movie it will probably be completely different from the books, and all 12 in one or three.


Personally Astronomy Girl...

I believe that a movie would ruin the image that i have in my own head. Your right when you said that a good majority of the book is details rather than dialogue. Most of the movie would be listen to the different characters thoughts rather than hearing them speak. Although if they did pull it off it would be extremely long...and extremly AWESOME!!!

If someone as talented as the producers for LOTR or the Star Wars movies tried...it could POSSIBLY work (don't hold me to that last comment...)


Thats all i have to say.

  • Community Administrator

To those people who say a wot movie would require 10000000 hours to produce is quite stupid.

If you actually Look at the book, Most of the descriptions of clothing, scenery, action, all can take up only a few seconds of film time. How long does it take to describe a sunset over a white capped mountain? Specially when we are talking about RJ? Now put that in a movie? A quick pan, less then a 2 seconds vs 5 pages. So quite simply, The eye of the world Could be made in less then 3 hours if Someone was devoted enough. The hard part would be gathering all that info, and making all the sets that would be required, Plus the clothing, and all the cg work that would be required. Thats where the real budget gets in... "Plus theres the whole 30 page pre-part involving dragonmount"..


*btw, major points in eye of the world = moiraine comes to two rivers. Battle. The party runs for there lives. Crosses river. They run even longer, THey get split up after shadar logoth. Meet back up in caemlyn. Rand meets elayne. They make there way to sheinar. Lan teaches rand some sweet moves. They make there journey to the blight, battle the forsaken, and recover the artifacts from the eye of the world, while Rand makes his first stunning uses of the one power, they then rest in shienar where the story has just begun. *of course thats missing out on alot of traveling, but the point is, they could if they wanted to make a movie in less then 3 hours, of just the first book.

Some of the books, could litterally be made into half a movie.... Say winters heart and cot, Be made into 1 movie.

  \ said:
To those people who say a wot movie would require 10000000 hours to produce is quite stupid.

If you actually Look at the book' date=' Most of the descriptions of clothing, scenery, action, all can take up only a few seconds of film time. How long does it take to describe a sunset over a white capped mountain? Specially when we are talking about RJ? Now put that in a movie? A quick pan, less then a 2 seconds vs 5 pages. So quite simply, The eye of the world Could be made in less then 3 hours if Someone was devoted enough. The hard part would be gathering all that info, and making all the sets that would be required, Plus the clothing, and all the cg work that would be required. Thats where the real budget gets in... "Plus theres the whole 30 page pre-part involving dragonmount"..


*btw, major points in eye of the world = moiraine comes to two rivers. Battle. The party runs for there lives. Crosses river. They run even longer, THey get split up after shadar logoth. Meet back up in caemlyn. Rand meets elayne. They make there way to sheinar. Lan teaches rand some sweet moves. They make there journey to the blight, battle the forsaken, and recover the artifacts from the eye of the world, while Rand makes his first stunning uses of the one power, they then rest in shienar where the story has just begun. *of course thats missing out on alot of traveling, but the point is, they could if they wanted to make a movie in less then 3 hours, of just the first book.

Some of the books, could litterally be made into half a movie.... Say winters heart and cot, Be made into 1 movie.[/quote']


very true.


in the respons to the descriptions and mindsets, thats true too. I've ben thinking about this a lot lately, a few problems come up repeatedly. How would you show Rand seizing the void (or reaching for the Power)? How would you show lews therin talking? How would you make the ageless aes sedai face?

And most importantly, how would you show saidir and saidin being woven?


* To show Rand forming the Void, I was thinking a flame in his pupil or a red glow to the iris around the pupil. Also, Saidin gives his voice a cold and distant quality.


*Lews Therin would be a voice-over


*For Saidar/Saidin weaves, I pictured each of the five Powers as a color. So, a sort of glowing, colored whisp


*I was thinking younger women to play the older Aes Sedai, and older women for the younger Aes Sedai. I'm sure the make-up department could do something.


I would like to see a combination of movies and a miniseries.


Season 1 = The Eye of the World + The Great Hunt


Movie = The Dragon Reborn


Season 2 = The Shadow Rising + The Fires of Heaven


Movie = Lord of Chaos


Season 3 = Crown of Swords + Path of Daggers


Season 4 = Winters Heart + Crossroads of Twilight + Knife of Dreams


Movie = Memory of Light


I dont know if a miniseries would be able to supply the budget required to do tWoT properly. With a fairly successful movie (~75-100 million) + what would most likely be very successful DVD sales with the collective nature of WoT fans (like comic book fans), the studio could recoup some costs and the budget may be higher. Of course I really know nothing about budgeting for a movie/miniseries :)


On the flipside, it's a little bit impractical to make 12 movies, or even 7 or 8. Although it could maybe be done, it could fail fairly easily as well.


And its not like it's setting a precedent. There have been numerous TV series to movies and vice versa, Firefly/Serenity did it perfectly. Now they just need to bring back some more seasons/movies.


Another question, where would you guys think would be an ideal filming location?


I am going to say Vancouver, maybe because I am biased and I live here but there are some major bonuses going for it.


It already has one of the largest film schedules in the world. Finding enough staff and resources is not going to be a problem as it is all already in place. Many of the major comic book movies are all filmed here, and I believe I saw a stat somewhere (could very well be wrong), that said it had the second highest filming budget behind only LA.


The Wheel of Time has many many different locations and climates to film for. No place in the world could match British Columbia in its diversity. Rivers, lakes, desert, rain, snow, forest, etc etc it is all there.


Red Eagle Entertainment has already purchased the rights to do Eye of the World, and they're talking real-life (not anime). They only want to do the first book at the moment, since to say they want to do the whole series is unrealistic.


I myself would rather see the WoT series as a videogame, it'll give the books alot more publication, and wouldn't it be sweet to live out each book all the way, since nothing would actually have to be cut to make the game shorter? And, i they combine 2 books together in each game, they could have 6 games, not totally unrealistic, considering FF is on it's 13th game.

  • Community Administrator

Only 12 games not 13. :P

*I have stricken ffXI out of the records, it does not belong in the term as ff, hence forth FFX-2 Is now known as FFXI, so in total there will be now 12, no longer 13.*

*sorry had to!*

As for a game....

I myself have been planing/inthe works of what Is called a "mod" or "modification" of the game oblivion.


The mod will be the WoT universe. What they call a "TC" or "total conversion" A total conversion is where they take the orginal game, Delete it, and modify it to the point that they have created a completely new game. *Its faster then trying to create your own game engine, graphics ect all from scratch, and using a known platform with alot of the necisary stuff already made*

The Mod is planned to start at around book 4-6 *When rand is in the aiel wastes, telling the aiel for the first time that He is the cair'a'can, at that big ampatheter.. *This place is the best spot for a starting game, simply because it allows the Aiel to be a playable race, *an excuse to go to "randland"* as well as a logical way to chose clan & sept *since they were all there, or basically all were* This also means the player, if you chose to play as an Aiel, would be able to pick to follow clan & sept, or join shaido/brotherless.*

The "game" wouldnt have you playing as "rand or mat, or perrin" or any other main characters, but sticking to the orginal theme behind Elderscrolls games, that is, you get to be anything you want, and get to do anything you want however you want to do it. The main plot of this "mod" so far, isnt known but it will basically be along the lines of "you get to stop an event from happening that could possibly be catostraphic to the mainplot in wot."

The plan in this "mod" is that you can, if you wanted to, go to a specific place, at a specific time, and watch a battle, like dumanies wells, that is, If you knew exactly when that day was. :D


Great I look forward to the movies. I would like to nominate two old hard core actors. Sean Bean and Alan Rickman for parts. A little known fact about Sean is that Cornwell wrote extra books because of the great way Sean played Richard Sharpe. Great actors add to the joy of the movies. If they go with a mini series I pray they make them long enough to tell the story.


Worst thing possible is the way they made "Master and Commander" completely lost the story..

Guest cwestervelt

For anyone who is interested, RJ has given his input on this subject. The folloing is taken from a sffworld.com interview with RJ in 2001.


Would you like to see the Wheel of Time made into a movie - or movies? If so, who would you like to see play Rand?


I would very much like to see the Wheel of Time made into a miniseries for television, perhaps by someone like HBO. They do very good work, and there would be no commercial interruptions. I don't think I would let one of the books be made into a movie. Such a movie would have to be at least five or six hours long, perhaps longer, just for one book, to maintain the coherence of the story, and movies of that sort aren't being made by anyone I know of. As to who should play Rand, I really don't know. How many good, young actors are there who happen to be six feet five inches tall?


The whole interview is available at http://www.sffworld.com/interview/51p0.html


Thank you, that sure settles the question Movie or Mini Series. Now then the players are? My wife watches the soaps and there are a couple of young actors there who happen to be tall. Robert Patterson did a good job in Harry Potter and Dark Kingdom. Now we also need a list of great looking women. There are few ugly people in the WoT. Even fewer in this world.


I totally agree djon, Sean Bean would be perfect for a major part. The WoT films could be amazing hits and knock TLOTR films right off the face of the planet.


The way I see it, if the directer thinks about it (and let's all hope he/she is one of the greats) it's possible to keep most of the WoT plot. Think about the way spiderman is being portrayed onto the big screen. We could see another 6 or more movies from spidey potentially. The directer just needs to spread his/her films out, this would be huge on a galactical proportion! It could take a lifetime to achieve though!


Sinister i love you so much. The only forseeable problem is getting the source from Bedthesda, but im pretty sure there are enuf WoT fans that can be found who can also program.


If you could make the game, would you play it as rand? The problem would be its an RPG, and Rand HAS to follow certain events. Id rather be Mat or Perrin even, and get to lead the band or rescue the two rivers.

Or you can play as all three charecters RPG style and switch off between them?


He said in his post that you would play as an unknown character, not one of the main ones.


Keep us posted on progress, I am really looking forward to playing this. I just bought an xbox 360 yesterday to play Oblivion.

  • Community Administrator

Well, I doubt it would be playable by those people on the 360, as it is a 100% overhaul of the system.

Currently we are having problems getting the base platform needed to make the process begin.. It toke morrowind years just to get the necisarry programs for the type of overhaul needed... And now we are all trying to play catch up with oblivion, with little support from bethsada. *They need to patch game and editor a bit, numerous bugs found.*

But, i'm guessing in about 2 months we'll have the landmass made.. Assuming everything goes to plan.

  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't want them to make a movie/series unless it was complete. What would be the point otherwise?


Hopefully they'd spare no expense in the production. I don't know how long such a movie/series would be but I'd buy it.



Captain Blamo


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