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Swing Dance(by alannalyn)

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Welcome Welcome! Please, come in and take a seat wherever you like! I'm here today to teach a little something about swing dancing, its history, its various names, and its overall awesomeness. Woah... totally not a word..


The Swing, in general began in the late 20s as the result of African American Jazz. Called the Lindy Hop originally, over at the Savoy Ballroom in New York, this dance style was largely an Af. American dance at first. In the 30s we also had the development of the Jitterbug, a type of Swing Dance. (*starts singing Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go!*)


At this point, jazz and tap steps were the main characteristics of the Swing-y style and the popularity was growing in the white community as well, leading to the dances to be put into movies and the styles to be put to the test in competitions.


Though, of course the original spread of the dance was negative (per usual at that time for anything new happening), by the 1940s, the dance began to spread throughout the states so that each region had its own specialized dance and name, all under the heading of "Swing"


Types of Swing Dance:

Savoy Swing: Popular in the NY Savoy Ballroom, it's a very fast, jumpy, casual-looking style of dancing


Carolina Shag: Popular in the Carolinas emphasizing the leader's nimble feet. I'll add that this is also the state dance and my grandparents used to compete in this dance style and actually placed a few times. Yes, I know the Shag. :)


Ballroom West Coast Swing: Popular in the ballroom dance school organizations and different from the style performed in the California night clubs and Swing dance clubs.

Country-Western Swing: a style of Jitterbug popularized during the 1980's and danced to Country and Western music


Jive: the International Style version of the dance is called Jive, and it is danced competitively in the US and all over the world. (Anyone wanna hand-jive? ;))


--These are just a few, but be assured there are many more, each unique to their area and their own histories of what and why they are how they are.


The Savoy Swing:


Lindy Hop:


Carolina Shag! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdlNYFSaicY&feature=related


A lil' Swing Jive:




Wham! And Jitterbug:


This last one was at my high school, and two of my choirmates danced while we sang. Sorry the choir is so awful....


So, let's ask some questions of you guys, shall we?

-Anyone take Swing Dancing lessons?

-What style of Swing?

-Ever been in a Swing Dance competition?

-Tell us anything more you may know!




Interesting, I know I can do Ballroom West Coast swing, but I didnt know there was so many variants- especially in my closer nextdoor neighbors in the Carolinas!


I have been more of a fan of the big band music that is dated with the beginning of Swing. The horns and fast tempos. I was excited with a small resurgnce in the early nineties with the bands 'Squirrel Nut Zippers' and I can't remember the name for the LIFE OF ME!! I had the CD and I now I can't find it. Oh well. OH! The music and the attitude and the ZUIT-Suit! hahaha Awesome


ahh love the linde, another fam favorite, my mother taught me the lindie when i was like 5 or so, would love to actually dance with a man at least once in my life*l* the lindy I mean, always danced it with mom or my sisters or aunts, we're very girl heavy in the family and the boys never danced, broodie italian men.




Haha! Yeah, very true. :) I always danced with my family. And despite me having no girl cousins, the whole family is practically women, well, at least, they're in power. All the men tend to hide at home.


That's why you need a good old fashioned Iish Lad (like meself) who's too toasted to know he's dancing badly but still smiles hahahaha


yea I know you irish lads love us itialian women*w*


btw i'd dance with you anyday m'dear!


Yea great job. Where you from again allanna? the men stay home and hide*rotfl*


ours just sat in corners and complained and smoked cigars all night, when they didn't pretent they where mafiosos*re* wanna be sopranoes



I would lve to learn the tango!*rolls tongue*


gets her high high heels on and sexy black dress and does a couple steps, swishes skirts!


Last Day of the Event. It came so quickly, I hope you all enjoyed it! Feel free to throw in your last minute comments to any conversations!


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