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Perrin and the Tower of Ghenjei


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Okay, this is a little theory I have posted elsewhere and thought I would bring over here. Its semi-interesting and semi-unique (I think anyway) and at the very least should be a decent read. Dida actually gave me the idea for it in their talk of there being a fourth ta`veren to help Mat out in the ToG.




A little idea I had, even before TGS, was that Perrin would enter the Tower of Ghenjei while Mat is also inside and in doing so help him rescue Moiraine without meaning to. There are a few reasons for this...


Two ta`veren being in the same realm seems to put alot of stress on the Finns. One mentions the strain, and Moiraine herself remarks that two ta`veren at once could have torn the connection and trapped them. So whatever it is the Finns do and their strange world, ta`veren have the potential to disrupt it. So if Perrin were to be in their dimension at the same time as Mat, that would obviously be advantageous during the rescue.


But why would Perrin even be there?


in TSR Chapter 28, we see Perrin pursuing Slayer, the latter eventually dissapearing into the Tower of Ghenjei. Birgitte then appears behind him and informs him that the Tower is a doorway to the realm of the Finns. Now this is RJ; would he really have Slayer enter the Tower and Birgitte remark about it to Perrin if it wouldn't be of some importance later? In any case, we know from the ToM Blurb that Perrin will confront Slayer again.


Next we go back 30 years, and Gitara Moroso, one of the greatest Foretellers of the Age, informs Lord Luc that the outcome of the Final Battle depends on him going into the Blight. There he meets Isam and somehow they become Slayer. In any case, Slayer has done little to help out the good guys, and going by his POV it doesn't seem as if he is going to have a change of heart anytime soon. However, it is known that without Moiraine Rand has no chance of winning, and a couple of viewings imply that Mat saving Moiraine is a world changing event.


"Courage to strengthen, fire to blind, music to dazzle, iron to bind."


I always found it strange that there are four variables there, yet only three characters going inside. However if you add Perrin, it all matches up. Music is obviously Thom. Noal who has traveled the globe and back and even bought darkfriends to justice, is courage. Mat can easily provide fire. With iron, Mats steel daggers drew no attention from the Finns at all, which leads me to believe that a decent amount is required to make a difference. Thats when Perrin comes into it, with his hammer (another reason why choosing the hammer over the axe was so important.)


However, one obvious problem with the theory is that Moiraine saw three men; Mat, Thom and someone she didn't know. Thats not neccessarily a problem however; the realm of the Finns is a large and strange place that seems to disobey physics. Perrin could easily be in another part of ToG and while being ta`veren he will naturally have an effect on the realm, he won't directly take part in Moiraines rescue. Thus she wouldn't have seen him.



So in summary: Perrin encounters Slayer again, and after a battle Slayer retreats back to the Tower of Ghenjei. Perrin decides enough is enough despite warnings from Birgitte previously and follows Slayer in. In doing so he brings along iron. Meanwhile Mat and Co are desperately trying to save Moiraine and the added effect of another ta`veren in the realm adds strain to the Finns to great advantage for the rescuers. Perrin and Mat never meet so it doesnt ruin Moiraines viewing (although they probably do know of the existence of each other while in there.) By leading Perrin to ToG which in turn helps Mat rescue Moiraine, Slayer fulfills his importance in a roundabout way.


I actually like this idea quite a bit.  I think, perhaps, that Perrin may enter ToG in the wolf dream rather than physically, which would allow him to be there, but be unseen by Mat and Moiraine, etc. 






I've just re-read the bit in TSR, because I thought there was some doubt about whether Slayer actually enters the ToG. Agreed Perrin sees him 'speed straight for it, and vanish', and then thinks 'the man.. had gone inside somehow'. Seems reasonable, although he might have simply stepped out of the Dream; I'd say that was unlikely.


As to your fourth variable - courage - I think that all three members of the rescue party have that! Further, on Mat's previous visits, he was asked about fire, music, and iron, but not whether he was brave. I'd say that was taken as read because he was there.


Regarding the problem of two ta'veren entering 'finnland at the same time, it seems likely that this is because of they effect such individuals have on the Pattern. And I believe Moiraine's letter did say that if the number of rescuers were fewer or more than three it 'will mean death for all'. so yes, if Perrin did crash the party, it would indeed cause problems.


That bit about the 'finns not being bothered about Mat's dagger is puzzling. There isn't that much difference between iron and steel, not enough to bother them I'd have thought. Unless it's about the binding rather than the iron - I'm thinking chains, for example. Now the rescue party will know that they have to take these items in some form; so they would not need iron from another source.


However: Elsewhere I've suggested it could be magnetism that bothers them, and this is where Perrin's hammer becomes interesting. You may know that it is possible to (weakly) magnetise a piece of iron by holding it in a magnetic field (eg that of the Earth) and hitting it hard, repeatedly..




As a blacksmith, Perrin would be well aware of this, because he'd be constantly having to pull horseshoe nails off his magnetised hammer!


Further, we have also Perrin's dream of Mat 'naked and bound', with only his medallion and his ashandarei. This also suggests that Perrin will be there, possibly to rescue Mat, who has been nabbed by the 'finns - perhaps for trying to cheat, or maybe as a 'hostage exchange'. Moiraine won't have seen him, so that doesn't spoil her viewing either.


Hmm. Interesting.




I don't think there is any special magentism or anything that has to do with why Iron is disliked by the finns.  RJ draws from myth and lore, and iron (especially cold iron) is a popular anti-matter for fae-like creatures.  In some stories it harms them to touch, in some it weakens or numbs them.


I've long thought that the finns were a reference to the old fae stories like rip van winkle, ect.  While I can't think of any mythological reference to fae/elves and fire, I can think of both iron being a common way to 'bind' a fae and the fact that they are sort of entranced by music and find it difficult to break their attention away from it.


I do not think Perrin will show up in the tower though, due to Moiraine's warning about numbers.  Which does lead me to wonder how the iron will be presented.  Sadly, the characters in the books aren't usually the types to take what is blatantly laid out to them and prepare for it as one would expect (one of their few failings).  They are more likely to ignore what they know, go inside, and happen to have some of the firesticks with them and Thom's instruments.


Hmmm... I don't remember Mat being bound and naked in Perrins dreams... perhaps Perrin will eventually enter the Tower to help Mat out, although that doesn't necessarily need to be the same time they rescue Moiraine.  Two rescue missions into the tower might be a bit much, though.


Although, I think her letter did say that three and three only could come with, it's possible that she knew there would be more of them inside, so I don't know that it's necessarily debunked by that.


It's possible, certainly, since the chapter in TSR called "The Tower of Ghenjei" (I think) is a Perrin POV.  It's almost certain he's going to do SOMETHING there.


Although, come to think of it, we don't really know what's inside the Tower of Ghenjei.  Not really.  It's the gateway, but that's about it.  Is the whole tower the gate?  Is the gate just inside?

I do not think Perrin will show up in the tower though, due to Moiraine's warning about numbers.  Which does lead me to wonder how the iron will be presented.  Sadly, the characters in the books aren't usually the types to take what is blatantly laid out to them and prepare for it as one would expect (one of their few failings).  They are more likely to ignore what they know, go inside, and happen to have some of the firesticks with them and Thom's instruments.


But Moiraine would only know of details regarding her direct rescue. After all, in theory any random person could enter the Finn world at anytime; Perrin won't be there to help Mat or to rescue Moiraine. He'll be there on a completely unrelated note, but him being there will simply effect the outcome just by being ta`veren.


Duskfire, are you sure the letter says 3 men?


If not, any number of women can come (LOTR style), and then Elayne and/or Birgitte, with some of the ter'angreal (the one which has a thousand tunes,and the one that cuts metal).... Wait no. The cover shows only the 3. But Elayne's courage would have made a good 4th.


Duskfire, are you sure the letter says 3 men?


If not, any number of women can come (LOTR style), and then Elayne and/or Birgitte, with some of the ter'angreal (the one which has a thousand tunes,and the one that cuts metal).... Wait no. The cover shows only the 3. But Elayne's courage would have made a good 4th.


it says 3 men


Yeah, it may say in Moiraine's letter that only 3 can come to rescue her, but through some ta'v'eren twisting, Perrin shows up while fighting Slayer in the wolf dream.


However, having said that, I'm doubtful of Perrin's involvement given that Slayer COULD have simply stepped out of the dream as a sort of feint or trap, to get Perrin to go in ToG.






I don't think there is any special magentism or anything that has to do with why Iron is disliked by the finns.  RJ draws from myth and lore, and iron (especially cold iron) is a popular anti-matter for fae-like creatures.  In some stories it harms them to touch, in some it weakens or numbs them.


I've long thought that the finns were a reference to the old fae stories like rip van winkle, ect.  While I can't think of any mythological reference to fae/elves and fire, I can think of both iron being a common way to 'bind' a fae and the fact that they are sort of entranced by music and find it difficult to break their attention away from it.


I do not think Perrin will show up in the tower though, due to Moiraine's warning about numbers.  Which does lead me to wonder how the iron will be presented.  Sadly, the characters in the books aren't usually the types to take what is blatantly laid out to them and prepare for it as one would expect (one of their few failings).  They are more likely to ignore what they know, go inside, and happen to have some of the firesticks with them and Thom's instruments.


The Finn are probably very pale for a reason... they most likely have very low iron in their blood.

Their molecular structure may not be able to adapted to handle iron.  Too much iron in humans is highly toxic and even lethal-- iron is a strong pro-oxidant.  Perhaps a much smaller amount of iron is lethal to the Finns even on basic skin contact.  One thought is that human blood, containing iron in the form of hemoglobin, could possibly be the form of iron that Mat ends up using against the Finns.  Mat removing his eyeball could be one way that he gets the blood.  However, I'm still not convinced that removing the eye is the best way to draw blood.  It seems like it would be much easier just to bang your nose against the wall to get blood.


It will be interesting to see how this plays out. 


i like ur theory, but i think it unlikely because at the end of TGS there was a high probability that Perrin is/about to be in Tear to hook up with rand again, and i suspect that 2nd time Perrin needs to be with rand will occur.


at least thats what i suspect  :P


When Mat goes through the redstone ter'angreal, he sees three towers meeting at a point in the sky. Any speculation on the other two towers?


I have a bad feeling that Ghenjei is the snake tower while the fox tower where Moirane is... well that goes into theory time.


I still want Birgitte to go to Ghenjei! Maybe she can carry silver coated arrows, which they'll heat to get the silver off and iron arrow points... Well the letter did say three. Damn.


I think one ta'veren will shake them up enough.  And it may be what caused the disruption was Rand and Mat going through the twisted ter'angreal doorway in Tear.


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