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Transformers 3


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While the first "Transformers" did have more genuine emotion than its sequel, it's a bit of a stretch to say the film had "heart".


However Shia LaBeouf tells The Associated Press that the upcoming third instalment plans to bring "the heart back to the franchise".


LaBeouf says "When I saw the second movie, I wasn't impressed with what we did... There were some really wild stunts in it, but the heart was gone... we got lost. We tried to get bigger... Mike went so big that it became too big, and I think you lost the anchor of the movie... You lost a bit of the relationships. Unless you have those relationships, then the movie doesn't matter. Then it's just a bunch of robots fighting each other."


So how will that be resolved by a third entry? "There's going to be a lot of death, human death. This time, they're targeting humans... It's going to be the craziest action movie ever made, or we failed."


Meanwhile Paramount Pictures has revealed that Alan Tudyk has also joined the cast, though details of his role are being kept under wraps.

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I thought the first film was great, although there were obvious mistakes. For example, the Tank, while it was incredible, it was called Devastator, meaning the Constructacons forming the giant Devastator lost some of its originality.


The second one, while edging closer to home with Megatrons relationship with Starscream, and the involvement of Soundwave and his minions, and the Matrix... it flopped. The Fallen recieved a good buildup to his main encounter and then got smashed to pieces too easily after only brief screen time. And the Devastator they made, while sticking to the construction vehicles forming to make him, was nothing-NOTHING-like he was originally. And he should have been. When I was a kid I was addicted to the cartoons and when I first watched Transformers 2 I was excited by the hints of the real Devastator coming but when he arrived I was dissapointed.


I think they did well in some areas, but did too poorly in other important areas, and the imbalance was too obvious. Plus, Megan Fox leaving is already another downer on the third one  :( :D

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I thought Transformers was great - a total popcorn blast - and everyone complaining about plot and acting just sounded silly. As far as technology goes, I thought that it ranked up there with the first Jurassic Park.


Transformers 2 also ranked with Jurrasic Park 2 - In both cases, the sequels failed to bring anything new to the table. New robot = new dinosaur = seen it all before.


They need a new setting, and a new story, imo. Losing Fox doesn't help this - and I personally am getting tired of hollywood thinking that they can make anything work. It's an insult to the public, and it just makes me wonder what is so wrong between Bay and Fox that they couldn't see that the movie needed to be better - not worse.


We'll have to see what they do with it.



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That Fox-creature was the single worst thing about the first two movies, so #3 seems almost guaranteed to be better than those. With luck, she is replaced by someone who actually has a least a tiny bit of talent when it comes to acting.

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USA Today recently visited the set of the third "Transformers" and garnered several new tidbits on the film:


Despite Michael Bay not being a fan of 3D, the film will be released in 3D though it's unsure as yet if it will be shot that way or converted in post-production.


Bay partly blames the rush to churn out the first sequel so soon after the writer's strike to blame for 'Revenge of the Fallen' being so shit.


Shockwave has been confirmed as the villain, the character described as "the robot cyclops-turned-laser-cannon, who became dictator of their home world of Cybertron after the other Autobots and Decepticons journeyed to Earth."


Another story element was the Cold War space race between the U.S.S.R. and the USA with a hidden Transformers role in it that remains one of the planet's most dangerous secrets.


Bay says this third one "really builds to a final crescendo. It's not three multiple endings" and they've removed much of the "dorky comedy". This includes the racist robot twins who are "basically gone" from this, but John Turturro will still provide some comic relief.


Also don't expect any resurrections as this is a 'trilogy capper' - "As a trilogy, it really ends. It could be rebooted again, but I think it has a really killer ending."

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Plans to shoot part of the action of in Washington, D.C. are being met with resistance by National Park Service authorities reports The Washington Post


According to reports, the plans were to shoot sequences that included "simulated explosions and pyrotechnics at locations along Pennsylvania and Independence avenues"


Thus the authorities are understandably nervous about staging massive explosions so close to the country's seats of power.

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