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Baby Making Machine Game - WINNERS!!!


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And the results are FINALLY in. With emphasis on finally. But you know what they say... good things are worth waiting for ;)


I am glad to say that there were quite a few responses to this game. Many have tried. MANY have failed *laughs* And I admit that this was far from being easy. But, as in all games and things in life, really... there are the winners and the losers ;)


I'd like to credit Loraine, Lia and Marta for getting one baby right. So, basically, if you're not on this list and not one of the top winners that will follow, that means that you didn't even get one guess right xD Lets just thank the lord you don't work in the maternity section of any hospital *wink*


Out of guessers who did NOT sign up with a picture... second place are Liitha and Dragonsworn, with TWO right guesses. However, victory was swiftly robbed of the two with an amazing THREE correct guesses, by Alannalynn!!!! Way to go girl!


And for that, the Yellow Ajah would like to grant you our certification Siggy:





And now, it is time to go on on to the winner of the event from the all the wonderful people that signed up and made their very own baby. And as promised, this person will be given the highest honor of ALL in Dragonmount as WHOLE. That's right, people. The winner of this event is to create a baby with Jason, the owner of this site, and there by spawning the future of Dragonmount! Quite an honor, I would say. Jason was of course, thrilled. He loves spreading his joy about.


But why keep stalling, really, aside from the fact that it's fun? The winner of this event is none other then Dapianoplay3r!!!!! That's right, baby, you won the jackpot ;)


I have taken liberty to create little Jason Junior for you guys. May he live a long and happy life as the future DM Warlord! I'm sure he'll strike fear in all of our hearts ;)


Jason Wederbi Junior!!! Son of Dapi and Jason, may they live forever!!!



WOOOHOOOO ;D   *celebrates*




P.S: In case you're curious, here's the list of parents and babies:


Krak and ed = Mitzi

Joram and Silver = Peppermint

Nynaeve and Charis al'Aslan = Vergilius

Adella and Marta Sedai = Peppi

Aemonkristen and Summer = Bunny

Mystica and Tigara = Fernand

Talya and Shamaeso = Barnie

Amadine and LedZepMan = Barbie

Lia and Rinaki = Svetlana

Craftyreader and dapianoplay3r = Garfield



Now please take away your kids, cause I ain't babysitting :P  And join me in congratulating our two winners!!!! ;D



This was fun guys! Thanks for participating!!!!  ^_^  The big question mark that remains is.... who's going to change Jason jr. diapers? Because something STINKS :P







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I hope you like it, alanna. If you want any tweaking done, just PM me. And grats again, you were the one who guessed most in both groups. Too bad you didn't sign up originally for the game, otherwise you'd be cleaning this mess up.


Okay, maybe it's not TOO bad  xD





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