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You called

Guest dragonsworn1991

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Pete walks around the yard at the BT, it is high noon, just the perfect time for a duel. Pete tugged at his white gloves and awaited his opponent to accept his invitation.


Al Jenn you have been called for a duel.


*walks over and takes a seat where she can see the entire yard, but won't be too close to the action. Pulls out the customary bucket of popcorn and begins nibbling on a few pieces*


Walking in slowly he looks around the yard. It was clear, open, and would provide plenty of room for the match. He smiled slowly seeing Pete tugging on his gloves and nodded in greeting. Kneeling down he scooped up a small bit of dirt and rubbed it into his hands before striding forward. Stopping four paces from Pete he let his fingers play across the hilt of his sword


Pete you have called and so I have come. What are the terms?


Ah, cool, this should be interesting.


*settles down to watch*


(You know you can do this on the Sports Ground for Points, right?)

Guest dragonsworn1991

I propose a four post death match starting from your agreement. The judge of my choice would he Talya, Limi, and Ed, also adella and anyone else that wants to. The judging should he based on content, humor, and just bad @ssness. Do you accept?


*loves commas, and will be judging based, purely, on their proper use er.. On the artistic and comedic value of posts..* Damn you Al for saying it before I could.. >:(

Guest dragonsworn1991

Pete walks over calmly across the yard at the BT. Al Jen stood with a cool distance in his eyes, yet Pete would make those eyes boil. Pete walked over to AJ and took off his pristine white gloves. Tucking one behind his belt, he used the other to strike AJ on the jaw.


"Al Jenn, you have been challenged to a duel. I will not take no for an answer."


Pete had his ability to channel masked and the roar of saidin called for him to strike down his opponent where he stood, yet Pete wanted to make it interesting. He slammed a shield onto AJ and watched as his eyes widened while he tried to claw for the source. Pete wanted an amusing fight, he never said it had to be a fare one.



Al Jenn watched Pete strut over wondering what surprises he would have in store. Pete was crafty and he knew he had to be wary, he didn't want to end up the last time he underestimated him. Although he did have his other two counter parts that night and they had blown up a large section of the White Tower... He still wondered how Boopsy had managed to shove the ***** all the way ---


He felt a sting spread across his face as it snapped to the side. Did Pete really just slap him? Al Jenn had thought Pete's pimping days were over... obviously he had once again failed to figure this man out. How did ---


And suddenly there was a shield between him and the source. Obviously he couldn't let himself get distracted again. Seeing Limi he smiled, then saw the look of concern on her face. He must have forgotten the milk again. No, that wasn't it. Pete! He reached for the source to find not knots like he expected but a smooth wall. He calmly pushed against it... with his angreal that shouldn't be a problem he thought.


"I'll gladly accept your challenge Pete," Al Jenn says confidently looking Pete in the eye.


Drawing his sword slowly he dropped into The Creeper Embraces the Oak, knowing he could out creep Pete easily. He let his sword drop and rise slowly tracing a pattern while preparing to drawn Saidin through the angreal if necessary.


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