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The Dark One Growing Stronger!!


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Not sure if this has been discussed, sorry if it has.


Been thinking about that the fact that as the DO's power has been increasing the pattern has started to kinda fall apart, you know with all rooms and hallways getting shuffled around in the White Tower etc. Well not sure if we've seen it mentioned but this must be happening all over Randland and not just in buildings, that wouldn't make much sense. So say trees may have moved or a stream changing its course for instance. Now as the DO's strength is growing we've seen parts of the White Tower actually switch places completely.


My theory is that over the course of the next two books we might see bigger places changing places, just imagine Caemlyn and Tar Valon switching places or even bigger than that imagine Shayol Ghul moving before the Last Battle. Just think all the armies of the world amassed along the blight then they realise Shayol Ghul isn't there lol.


Do you think it's realistic that something like this could happen?? gimme your thoughts people.

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I wouldn't say the DO is getting stronger, but as the Seals weaken I think it's becoming much easier for hime to touch the world and the pattern. When the last Seal breaks, we'll be back to an AoL scenario just before LTT sealed the Bore, where the DO is extremely close to breaking free altogether. For now though, his influence will continue to grow, however his natural power won't.

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yea you're right it's not that he is growing stronger it's that the seals are weakening and he can touch the world more. That is the point I was trying to make though, it's more about as he is touching the world more strange things are happening. I just wanna know what peoples thoughts are on much bigger areas moving or changing places, like what we've seen in Caemlyn and Tar Valon but on a much larger scale? Could Shayol Ghul itself move before the Last Battle??

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Your opening post seems to imply some Gathering Storm content; content from that book is not yet allowed in the General Wheel of Time section.



Not sure if we would see whole places shifting.  Though 'hills take flight' in the Lord of Chaos header might be an indicator of that.


Shayol Ghul, a sort of ironic place for it to move to might be the current location of Dragonmount.  (Dragonmount moving to current location of Shayol Ghul.)


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I'm not sure the Dark One could move Shayol Ghul.  It isn't a place like the White Tower or Caemlyn it is the place where his touch can be most strongly felt and where his touch is visually evident.  It seems if he could change the nature of the Bore like that the Pattern would already be destroyed. 

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