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Welcome to the BT the world asunder!!

charis sedai

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Well, Ive been around dragonmount for a while and only just found they had forums, so i went exploring and saw the black tower and figured that was the one i wanted to join. I read the entire WoT series already and am on book 4 of my re-read waiting for book 13.


I read the title of this thread and I thought we missed a few words. Like "Welcome to the BT as we tear the world asunder".


And I thought Charis has been missing her daily medication again.


Oh well. Hello and Welcomes. Not that I'm part of this group. But Hello and Welcome to the site altogether.


Welcome to our Tainty Abode!


Some basic info is Talya the Taintedly Beautiful is our OL and TMD is the M'Hael, leader of the shadow, and Elli is Logain, leader of the light.


Pale and Rey are Shadow Storm Leaders and Al and Locke are Light Storm Leaders.


Glad they didn't steal your line this time Tal?? ^_^


Welcome.. Err.. You need a nickname! ^_^ for now I'll just be lazy and call you TWA.. *goes to work on that nickname business*


Oh, and be sure to stop by the Tainted Sisters Tavern, if you can find it! *giggles* I'm setting up a greeting/get together for another new member here at the BT, so feel free to stop by. And ask questions! PM me anytime! ^_^


OH! They may have just not added you yet. Give it a day or so, they are busy people those DM Staff peoples ^_^ The Tavern isn't going anywhere I promise.


I have sent of you name TWA, but they need to gewt around to doing it. But the wait will be worth while once you get there ;)


Welcome to this humble place. You can always vote on DM's EMPY awards, even though you haven't been hear long...we don't mind ;D


*offers some BT Brownies to TWA*


I would eat these quickly before Locke gets here, he'll just devour them!




No, it's dangerous left.  I thought you knew lefts and rights by now....?  *holds of left hand and looks at the l his thumb and index finger make*....Oh, wait, never mind, it's right....


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