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Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides


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Neither Orlando Bloom or Keira Knightley will be in this Pirates.  Sounds like a flop.


Penelope Cruz is in negotiations to re-team with her "Blow" co-star Johnny Depp on "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" for Disney Pictures says Heat Vision.


As previously reported, Depp will reprise his role of Captain Jack Sparrow who sets off in search of the Fountain of Youth. Cruz's character is said to be "Sparrow's foil and equal in many ways".


Cruz's "Nine" director Rob Marshall is helming the fourth 'Pirates' which begins shooting in Hawaii this Summer for a May 2011 release.

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Oh this is good, good news.


Some casting news makes one jump for joy, this is one of those stories.


Acting legend Ian McShane ("Deadwood," "44 Inch Chest") is in negotiations to play Blackbeard, the main villain of "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides", the upcoming fourth film in Disney's biggest live-action franchise says The Hollywood Reporter.


Born Edward Teach, the notorious English pirate Blackbeard captained the Queen Anne's Revenge and operated around the West Indies in the early 1700's.


Unlike some of his more bloodthirsty brethren, Teach was a smart businessman who used his fearsome image and reputation rather than force to get what he desired.


As previously reported, Johnny Depp will reprise his role of Captain Jack Sparrow in a story that revolves around the Fountain of Youth. Penelope Cruz was recently cast as the character's "foil and equal".


Terry Rossio and Ted Elliot penned the script with Rob Marshall directing and Jerry Bruckheimer producing. The film opens next May.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember being irritated when they made the second Pirates. For me, the first was fun, and it was silly, and it tied everything up. Of course after the second movie, it's not like you (and when I say you, I mean I) not got see the third. It was just annoying almost, and I can't say for sure if I'll go and see the next one.

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News on Penelope Cruz's role


Jerry Bruckheimer says that Penelope Cruz's role in "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" is as the daughter of the film's villain Blackbeard (Ian McShane).


Appearing at ShoWest, Bruckheimer tells MTV News that "she brings a lot of humor to it. And the fact that she's so feisty." He also confirmed that there will be "a little romance between [Depp's] Captain Jack and the character that Penelope plays."


Though Geoffrey Rush will be back as Barbossa as well, Bruckheimer says the story is "going to take a whole new direction" and they're "looking for some new kids to be in it" in supporting roles which are being tested right now.


Filming on the next 'Pirates' film kicks off in June under the helm of Rob Marshall.

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Disney has decided to cut the budget down about $100 million.  Bruckheimer says this is bad news.


Those "Pirates of the Caribbean" are taking a pay cut it would seem for their next outing reports The Los Angeles Times.


Disney has apparently imposed a more constrained budget which "Bruckheimer is scrambling to meet" before filming begins on June 14th.


The first film cost $140 million, the subsequent sequels escalated to a whopping $225 million and $300 million respectively. The new fourth entry will be cut back but still hover at around the $200 million mark.


To achieve this the film's shoot is expect to run around three months instead of the nearly five months it took to film the last one, while visual effects shots will be cut from around 2,000 to 1,300. There'll also be more land-based filming.


Bruckheimer says this approach has caused him to "make painful decisions that cut into some very entertaining sequences."

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  • 6 months later...

Dame Judy Dench gets a role


Dame Judi Dench is set to make a cameo in "PIrates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides", the upcoming fourth film in the franchise.


Shooting on the film is almost complete, but before it does director Rob Marshall has been able to convince the actress to pop up in the film's opening sequence.



The film apparently opens with Captain Jack on trial for piracy in London's Old Bailey before he escapes in a Keystone Cops-esque chase sequence through the city’s streets. Dench is to play a noblewoman in a carriage who is "ravished" by Captain Jack as part of his attempted escape.[/spoilers]

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  • 4 weeks later...

Plans are already made for the 5th and 6th installments.


A few years ago after the first "Pirates of the Caribbean" proved such a success with critics and at the box-office, Disney immediately went ahead with two further sequels to be shot back-to-back.


Reviews weren't so peachy for the follow-ups, but the revenue certainly was with both earning around $1 billion worldwide each. Still, Disney was daunted by the prospect of a fourth film and with a new director (Rob Marshall) at the helm and a stand alone film in mind, it's not surprising they haven't spoken much about the franchise's plans beyond the recently wrapped "Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides".


That changed today as HitFix reports that "Disney has begun quietly telling cast and crew to set aside a major block of time in the very near future so they can shoot "Pirates 5" and "Pirates 6." And, yes, once again, they will be shooting them back-to-back as one giant film, and then they'll release them as two films."


It's a risky move, the previous two sequels cost at least $525 million to produce and likely as much again to market. It paid off big time the first go around, but the experience of the sequels (especially the third film) was decidedly nowhere near as well received as the first film was. So if the reaction to the $200 million 'Tides' is not what the company expects, heads might roll. Disney however is apparently far happier with what they've seen of 'Tides' thus far than even they probably expected to be.


The other question is time. Depp is in high demand and is committed to shooting "Dark Shadows" and Disney's own "The Lone Ranger" in the near future. A back-to-back "Pirates" sequels production would likely require almost a full year of filming and makes one wonder what other talents from this adventure, like Ian McShane and Penelope Cruz, will be back for another go should these sequels go ahead.



I really, really hope that they fired the writers from the second and third movies and hired some fine, new, upstanding writers for the 5th and 6th. I really like this series and I don't want to see it keep getting progressively worse and worse. The first Pirates movie ranks among my favorite movies of all time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some interesting tidbits...AND A TRAILER!


Talking with press at the recent trailer launch for "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides", director Rob Marshall explains the story details a bit further in regards to what we can expect from this fourth film.


"The whole opening and the first third of the film takes place in London. So we start on dry land and there is an impostor that Jack is looking for. He then escapes from the palace, gets captured by King George and there is a huge carriage chase" Marshall tells Movieweb.


He adds "[W]e set sail and that is sort of the second act. It’s a new ship, Blackbeard’s ship, the ‘Queen Anne’s Revenge.’ Then Barbossa has a new ship called the ‘Providence.’ The third act is this incredible jungle adventure through caves where they are looking for the Fountain of Youth.”


He goes on to explain that Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) has allied himself with the king's navy this time out, but the pirate still remains underneath.



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