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Welcome Tynaal

Al Jenn Mael

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Hello and welcome to the Tower Tynaal!


First things first, please try one of our special delicious brownies. *Offers a brownie*


You will get permission to visit the arena and farmhouse shortly. In the village there is a wonderful tavern to relax at and we are all pretty laid back here so don't worry about anything.


Feel free to PM me with any questions you might have or I'll just PM you. :)


Talya is our Org Leader


Ellianora is leader of the light faction and TheMasterDude is the leader of the shadow faction.


Locke, myself, Pale, and Rey are all storm leaders so feel free to ask us any questions that come up or if you need something.


Many things you do around here will earn you points. Points can be used to learn Saidin and will increase your rank. Here you will find tons of information all about us...




There it will tell you about the factions, how to earn points, the people who are part of our organization. Pretty much everything.



Right now we have a dance going on here so feel free to stop by relax and the most important thing enjoy yourself.


P.S. The taint effects everyone so if your a little crazy all the better :D

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hehe, welcome again ty.


Nice speech there Al :)


We have a few rules around here...


Always obey the rules unless I say you can break them..


I always know the rules, even when I don't know them or haven't invented them yet..


If you break a rule i will let you know, even if it wasn't really a rule but I felt like saying it was..




1. You must be nuts

2. Tease MCS

3. Obey me

4. Eat my brownies, otherwise I cry... (and it's not a pretty sight!)

5. No walking on the grass (it's a swamp really)

6. Tea is at 6pm

7. All chocolate is mine >.>

8. no given Alcohol to Pale after dark!

9. Tickling is permitted on tuesdays

10. Always admire TMD in his white shiney disco suit

11. Don't talk about squirrel droppings to the trees, they are touchy

12. Smile inanely at anyuone new into the Org

13. And anything else I've forgotten, yet to think up or won't think up at all.











Wow, the BT is awesome.... :D


Welcome!  To the north we have Taint, to the east we have Taint, to the south we have Taint, and then to the west we have Taint.  Any questions?


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