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Visits the Black tower "officially"


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Whats all this about locked threads and naked people..


See i turn m,y back for two seconds and all this goes on, without including me.


Now we have ourselves a very important gues and no one has offered her our wonderful BT Brownies...


*glares at all the BTer's*


*brings in a special plate just for Nae*


There we go sweetie, I hope this rabble have been looking after you, if not let me know and they will be 'dealt' with ;)


Now what was this about a locked thread...


:-* :-* :-* :-*


Well she got brownies in the locked thread you found...


Though your brownies are quite delicious.


You were a member of the Red Ajah right?


As for naked people, well the WT aspies are getting themselves into trouble.


Anything else?


Of course he did Ed!


I can't believe Al doing that :)


As for being in the Red Ajah, I still am. I just don't get as much time for there as I did unfortunately!




Sadly I can't use compulsion, but if I could... Just make half of someones like Ed or my posts in the WT say *The Black Tower is invading* or something silly. It would totally work. And with all the Algai coming over here it would be sure to bring all the novices, buhahaha. It would start a chain reaction.


We can't just go into another Org without getting their permission first.


Oh and Al, you do realise that what you said to Nae is binding here in the BT... :)


Thank you for the yummy brownies Talya!


So much to respond to from overnight... Al.. you can't share the bed til we are married?

Also.. why just focus on novices and algai?  Get the Aes sedai and the Der' Manshimas over here.  More of a challenge. ;)


I came here TO VISIT ED.  Better? :-*


Thank you all for the goodnights.  Goodmorning/night to you too. (Whichever is more befitting by the time you read it)


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