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I hear ya Alanna..I have uber sensitive skin too...i get a lot of jokes about my pale skin. I usually don't even get red...well..I do, LOBSTER red, but if that happens you know the peel will happen sooner or later X_X


You mgiht want to get some aloe to put on.

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Let me guess Kar, you an Irishman too? Oh God the last time I got sun burned I looked like a red and white man-o-lantern with slightly over hangin stomache and man-boobs. LOL I was almost violet! I am not even exagerating. Probably should have goneto the hospital that day. It was almost like a full upper-body steam burn. Couldn't sleep for like three days. I had to sit up all night. Oh God, my skin is seriously tingling remembering it. The peel was horrible-gross-really weird cool. I know gross but I was freakin out my girl and her daughter. It was funny. I swear it was soooo bad that aloe did absolutely nothing hahahaha. I was using burn ointment that I snagged from the medicine box at work. That worked for the worst part on my shoulders. Thank you Lidocaine hahahaha

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hehe close..part English :) English, Dutch, German, and Greek to be precise...unforunately I didnt get my skin complexion from my Greek heritage  :-\ But ahhh Lidocaine is a savior tho!


Although I gotta say WHOA. That burn sounds haneous! Then again its not as bad as one my mom had. My family went on a cruise to the bahamas and my mom thought it would have been fun to get an exfoliation at the spa...only she decided to go sunbathing afterwards...and MAN, her face swelled up so badly from that. Two words, Elephant man X_X I think the flight attendant at the airport was afriad to let her on the airplane home...haha

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