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I am pretty good. <3 I am on vacation and I have some time to myself to get on the computer. ^^ The weather is gorgeous and it's good to be visiting my home.


And how are you today Karas? Haven't been destroying my church right? :P  It's always such a chore to come back and find it in shambles. *laughs*


Would you like a chocolate covered strawberry?

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I'd love one Limi! Actually I've been a good aspie today ;)


Hmmm...so I've been pondering today. Everyone knows that Shadowspawn are the Dark One's agents of death and destruction to everything the Light and the Creator shine on right? 


Well I was thinking of the Aiel War and the destruction of the cutting of Avendesora. So much death and destruction by the hands of good people of the light. Im thinking that this might have been a plot of the Dark One to lessen our numbers. My hypothesis is that the tree cutting actually died by more dark forces. If already dead, why not use that exotic wood to make a throne. Thats right, Laman was framed! All this death all at the hands of a new shadowspawn that goes relatively unnoticed in our prescence. One that literally eats the seeds of chaos with sharp pointy teeth.


I give you all...the Dark Squirrel!




Scary huh? I myself encountered one of these during my lunch break...

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But I am thankful for him doing all the work and taking the fall and giving me a chance to Ammy his part in trying to make the Green Ajah known around the Tower..Just try to keep in mind that we would like to have a good image..such as the one I'm trying to make in making the invasion look like I'm defending the Tower!

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