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*gives Karasayl cookies*


There you go... eat now :D


*jumps on Karasayl*


I forgot to do this! So I did it now...


*sees Millon* Oh dear you are here too!!!


*jump on Millon* I have a cookie for you too... Say aaaaaaaaa :D



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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh*noms cookie, winks at the pleasant armful of Marta* Why hello there darlin'! I take it you're happy to see me? hehe How's it goin Karas? Lights blessin on the hallowed halls of Limi and all who dwell here.


Oh Marta, the flippin show last night was awesome!!! I can barely talk right now hehe. One of there best shows I've seen. Really wishing I had requested off from work today. I am the walking dead. I can still taste the Jager from last night.

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*Carries Marta and eats my cookie* Mmmmm...notthing like a little sugar to get me energetic in the morning! :D But then....it could be worse. You should have seen how bouncy I was last week Marta. Someone brought me in a cinnamon roll and....well...haha it was bad 8)


Oh not bad Millon..just swamped at work today since I'll be out of the office tomorrow...jury duty -_- You drinking Jager straight Millon? Aside from Jager bombs, I just can't bother with the stuff unless theres some Goldschlager in it. I dunno why...I guess because I'm a gin guy!





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They played over 3 hours!! Amazing. The lights came on in the arena like "shows over time to go home" but they just kept playin. 3 Encores. You don't get fan service like that anymore! It was spectacular.


Straight with just about everything I drink. Although I'll have to try that Jager and gold schlagger. Sounds interesting. Gin? Cannot mess with it. Get all sheisty and snaky. Whiskey now! There's another matter all together ahhaha. If it ain't brown, don't drink it.

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3 encores is pretty damn amazing. Especially in an arena show! I usually find bands are more generous when playing the small intimate venues. But then, it depends on the band too. Pearl Jam has always had loyal fans...and I guess this shows why!


Aww, I think its just because you haven't had a good gin experience. *trying to convert you* Then again I don't mind whiskey...but for me the smoother the better. Strangly though...not a fan of scotch.


.....*realizes we sound like an alcoholics*  X_X

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*bounces around and bounces over to Bela and puts the wig on her*



Well its not to hard, I tend to get like this when I'm in a happy mood. Otherwise I think I just get reserved. But, I'm in a happy mood now! *hugs Marta*


Ale? I love ale :)



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*duct tapes Marta back to his leg before she unties the DO* You are seriously goin to untie the DO? Sorry, can't let you do it.


As for dark beer, most are considered 'Stouts'. Last night I had this oatmeal stout that you could float a bottle cap on the head of it without it sinking. We have this awesome micro-brewery downtown that makes some of THE Most amazing beers.

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