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Guest dragonsworn1991

Hate to say I told you so, (No I don't because that means I was rite.) But anyways you two arguing is only going to mire down the thread and cause more chaos and WIFOMs then anything the mafia could hope to achieve. So one of you tow is playing into the other's hands. Just who is it?

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Hey Wombat, that could easily be taken as to help the town to their own doom.



Again, as I said earlier, I will wait. I can see how everything will work out. I will even hammer myself with my final post detailing everyting again on what Wombat has pulled, and who is the most likely to be scum with him.


Except Pete. Petet is always scum, even if he is town. :D :P

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Hey Wombat, that could easily be taken as to help the town to their own doom.



Again, as I said earlier, I will wait. I can see how everything will work out. I will even hammer myself with my final post detailing everyting again on what Wombat has pulled, and who is the most likely to be scum with him.


Except Pete. Petet is always scum, even if he is town. :D :P


That's a really stupid bluff.  I hope someone calls you on it.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Elaborate please Ed.










If basically an endless scenario: Say player x does something scummy and player y calls him out on it, then player x says, "Would I really do something so obvious?" Then the town has to pick whether they agree or disagree, and the logic could go around in circles for hours

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Go ahead. In fact, encourage them. I die. You all know I wasn't lying. Wombat, another scum, goes down. That is I believe 4 of your team. Find one or two more, and we can still win (unless theree is a cult like I believe...then it would be harder, but at least the mafia will be gone.

Ultimately, my death ensures yours and gives a great hope to the town.



P.s. just wait until I get home foos...:D

That way you get all the info (I am assuming the two (or maybe three) scum are already on my wagon.

I should have time, and if not, smart people could figure it out.

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There, MCS is smart. I know...I know...that itself should get me lynched. :D :P


Now, I will wait until and if there is a L-1 or L-2 (did I use those right?) lynch to add any additional info. But this is a summary that will be proven if you lynch me. Then Wombat will die.


1. I am the Lie Detector

2. I sent in MCS and Lily (I received Nae and Lily instead), and Lily was lying.

3. Lily set up a counter-claim, thinking I might not be the LD. Or else she was pulling a big, big risk.

4. Wombat sets out the idea that there is a Kivam's Gambit (Lily knows this is a crazy a$$ claim, yet a good one).

5. No one cares, because it seems silly.

6. Lily is lynched, and proven scum like I said.

7. Wombat implements his and Lily's plan and brings back the idea of the Gambit in full force, using Fear Mongering and Baseless Accusations.

8. He assists this bogus claim by false-claiming Finder (which again, I highly doubt there is one).

9. We are here. There may be one or two more things I can tell you. But I have to go back and check. I will ask Rey, and check my records.

10. Also, somewhere in there, I got a 'not lying' on Tigs.


Also, Wombat, what ever happened to that 'general' PM that every townie got?

OH! You didn't get one. :D

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Pete I agree with your reasoning. For now I trust you here as much as anyone can I guess. I know don't trust anyone, especially since I believe the mafia has a recruiter who can only recruit one time (The scene earlier was a bonus) aside from that you are very likely scum in Mmeeshs game and I hope they kill you :D


Ed I'm willing to believe you since you helped us get the godfather, why the mafia would do what wombat suggests is beyond me. KISS Keep it simple stupid. It works trying to be fancy fails.

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Day ends Thursday at 9.30pm GMT


Along wind drifts over Rome

Passing over the Senate as they argue and vote

It caries the hope of the people, to the people

But it is not for the people


Friends of Rome heed this warning!

As you rest your head tonight beware!

danger is near

The silent assasin of night draws close

Twisting the truth and preaching false hope

Trust not the truths for lies they truely be


^^ This poem is official. Kudos to dapiano for coming up with it.


Also I would like to clarify a point.


Caesar is not a player. Caesar is the protagonist, but is not a character that a player is using.

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Nope. It mentions my role and name...or title would be better.



That's not your win condition.  Your win condition says something like this:


"You win when you and the rest of the Conspirators equal or outnumber the Innocents."


I don't know your title but I'm pretty sure your character name is Casca, Trebonius, Ligarius or Cinna

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