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Horn of Valere , the Title


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Randomness. One weakness RJ did have was being a bit repetative when it came to names.

  Was RJ or BSand asked about this particular case and answered or it's your suggestion ? Excuse me , please , but name two unsignificant characters Lamelle and Latelle , for example and name one of the main character and one of the most misterious and powerful items almost same are very different things , I guess . I know from RJ quotes that there is a connection between Rand and King Arthur  and Arthur Pendragon have a bit similarity to al'Thor the Dragon . In the case of I'd asked the similarity is much more , I just cannot believe in so strange randomness .. Of cause , I'll delete my question if one of the authors themselves said it's random  :)

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Randomness. One weakness RJ did have was being a bit repetative when it came to names.

  Was RJ or BSand asked about this particular case and answered or it's your suggestion ? Excuse me , please , but name two unsignificant characters Lamelle and Latelle , for example and name one of the main character and one of the most misterious and powerful items almost same are very different things , I guess . I know from RJ quotes that there is a connection between Rand and King Arthur  and Arthur Pendragon have a bit similarity to al'Thor the Dragon . In the case of I'd asked the similarity is much more , I just cannot believe in so strange randomness .. Of cause , I'll delete my question if one of the authors themselves said it's random  :)


Just use a bit of logic. The Horn of valere is useless in the hands of anyone other than Mat, so unless he dies, the strongest connection Egwene could get with the Horn is delivering it to Mat. And we know Mat will not die.

Might as well start looking for a connection between Callandor and Tallanvor.

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Just use a bit of logic. The Horn of valere is useless in the hands of anyone other than Mat, so unless he dies, the strongest connection Egwene could get with the Horn is delivering it to Mat. And we know Mat will not die.

Might as well start looking for a connection between Callandor and Tallanvor.


Well , try again  :) Tallanvor is very far from being a main character , how he could be connected to the one of the key items in the series ?? Callandor may be interpretated as call Andor , what's mean that Elayne will be the one , who link with Rand  :)


 Also we cannot be sure that Mat's link with the Horn is still exist after he was killed in Caemlin and wasn't because Rand's Balefire . Here is a hole in plot , which BSand can use . However , Egwene's connection to the Horn may be not nececcery blowing in it , she could become one of the famous Heroes of it after death . But I very doubt that simply delivering the Horn to Mat is worthy of this very strong name similarities .



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So, RJ would spend several books setting up Egwene as the new Amyrlin, an Amyrlin who actually has strong enough ties to Rand to make at least communication between him and the WT realistic, only to kill off Egwene so she can have a cameo as one of roughly 100 Heroes instead of doing something with all that setup?


I think not.

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So, RJ would spend several books setting up Egwene as the new Amyrlin, an Amyrlin who actually has strong enough ties to Rand to make at least communication between him and the WT realistic, only to kill off Egwene so she can have a cameo as one of roughly 100 Heroes instead of doing something with all that setup?


I think not.


Yes , you're quite right ! But who says that her death will be soon  ;) I think , Egwene will have enough time to fullfil everything you'd mention and something yet , what will make her worthy be one of the Heroes of the Horn  :)

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