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Who are your ''Fave Five'' Aes Sedai of All-Time??

The Fisher King

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Heres Mines:


5 Elaida Sedai ... I know shes a vile person but she was a FASCINATING character to watch crash and burn after one idiotic mistake after another...in SOME respects she reminded me a lot of The Queen Regent in AFFC, Cersie Lannister.


4 Ahlanna Sedai ... Maybe I just like the Stones she showed in doing what she did to The Dragon Reborn (not saying I AGREE with it...but shes no coward)


3 Verin Mathwin...What needs to be said? Shes Verin!!!! - Nuff said!


2 Cadsuane Mehlidrin...I know alot of folks HATE her...I don't. I like her alot.


1 Moirane Damodred...I know this is not a very original choice for 'Fave WOT Aes Sedai', but I just LOVE this woman. For a million different reasons. The scene with Thom in TSR where she puts her hand on his knee and says she wished it could have been Healed and he tells her that a Fade did it and she just says ''I know'' - gets me every time...And her BadA$$ness by taking on Lanfear is pretty cool too.


Well...I guess those be mine.






My list of current Aes Sedai is:


1. Egwene

2. Moiraine

3. Cadsuane

4. Verin

5. Suian


However, it depends whether or not we are including historical Aes Sedai as well. If so, I would include, Lews Therin Telamon, Elan Morin Tedronai, and Rashima Kerenmosa.


My off-the-top-of-my-head-without-looking-at-interesting-minor-characters list would have to be:


1. Nynaeve - She's definitely grown in the latter half of the series; Nynaeve's one of the characters I initially didn't like, but as she grows (and as I reread and reread) I've grown to love her character! Especially her role with Rand, the trust they somewhat share, he did allow her to use the Choedan Kal after all.

2. Moiraine/Siuan - Moiraine and Siuan have worked together so long for their cause, they are ideal Blues in my opinion; you all know the details

3. Egwene - similar to Nynaeve, she's grown especially due to her Aiel training.

4. Verin - Verin confused me so much throughout the series, and in simple terms, was awesome

5. GAAAH I can't think of one, so just separate Siuan/Moiraine, I'll put in a 5th when I'm thinking more clearly


1. Moiraine

2. Nynaeve

3. Cadsuane

4. Verin

5. Alviarin


Moiraine for the same reasons as most. The Cairheinin Aes Sedai bonded to the quintessential swordsman, the one who abandoned her ego to help save the world, the one who killed two Forsaken, or at the very least killed one and defeated another.


Nynaeve because despite how much she has grown as a character she still remains as true to herself as anyone. She stands up for her friends fiercely, she has a very level head, and yet we see her mature in a way that perfectly compliments her good qualities. First person other than Rand that we see match a Forsaken for strength, gifted in Healing and the "weather" sense, she is exciting as well as one you can empathise with.


Cadsuane, because she is the only person in the whole series that feels like she has earned her ego. Her introduction was great, I love the scene when her and Rand throw each other against the walls with the Power, and they're both pinned, refusing to let the other go. Love it. And in KoD her whole reaction to the Semrihage thing was great. She would have been higher up if it werent for things I cant mention.


Verin, again she would have been higher if some unmentionables were different. Yet, she kept us guessing for a very long time.


Alviarin, because I think she might be on the verge of being promoted. She was marked by Shaidar Haran in a way that prevents Shadowspawn from harming her. So despite any failure on her part, she must have done something right. I cant wait to see more of her. Am I the only person that thinks her and Taim should be bonded?

Cadsuane, because she is the only person in the whole series that feels like she has earned her ego. Her introduction was great, I love the scene when her and Rand throw each other against the walls with the Power, and they're both pinned, refusing to let the other go. Love it. And in KoD her whole reaction to the Semrihage thing was great. She would have been higher up if it werent for things I cant mention.


That was Rand and Lanfear.

Not it wasnt. When Cadsuane turns up they pin each other against opposite walls with the Power. Lanfear never did that to Rand


Nope. Sorry. Cadsuane walks in, verbally abuses practically everyone in the room, and takes Merana and Annoura out to talk to. The only time Rand uses the power is to serve her tea, which she doesn't react to in the slightest. Furthermore the only time Cadsuane or Rand use the power on each other is when she spanks him in KoD.


And yes, Lanfear did do that to Rand. Here.


He channeled, and she slammed against a wall hanging hard enough to make her grunt. He held her there, spread-eagled over a woven hunting scene, feet off the floor and snowy gown spread out and flattened. How had he blocked Egwene and Elayne? He had to remember.


Suddenly he flew across the hallway to crash into the wall opposite Lanfear, pressed there like an insect by something that barely allowed him to breathe.


Lanfear appeared to have no trouble breathing. “Whatever you can do, Lews Therin, I can do. And better.” Pinned against the wall as she was, she seemed unperturbed.


[tSR; 10, The Stone Stands]



Edit: The above quote was Optimus. He must have removed his comment.


Well, anyone who knows me knows that it all begins and ends with Moiraine for me. I've been in love - quite literally - since book one.


After that definitely Egwene, mainly due to her training with the Aiel and the events, her growth of the last two books.


Verin's third, mainly for reasons I can't get into here.


Fourth would be Leane, love love love the character development after Stilling, her sensuality and even mor ethan that her vulnerability and her sincerity.


Fifth... hm. Cadsuane would have been here but recently I've soured on her. Neither Aviendha nor Alivia count as Aes Sedai. I guess it would be a tie here between Siuan (for reasons similar to Leane) and Nyn because - well, she IS married to Lan after all. Being instrumental in cleansing the source and figuring out how to Heal Stilling doesn't hurt either.


If we're going to count 'all-time', then I'd have to throw Jorlen Corbesan and Mierin Eronaile.


Not it wasnt. When Cadsuane turns up they pin each other against opposite walls with the Power. Lanfear never did that to Rand


Nope. Sorry. Cadsuane walks in, verbally abuses practically everyone in the room, and takes Merana and Annoura out to talk to. The only time Rand uses the power is to serve her tea, which she doesn't react to in the slightest. Furthermore the only time Cadsuane or Rand use the power on each other is when she spanks him in KoD.


And yes, Lanfear did do that to Rand. Here.


He channeled, and she slammed against a wall hanging hard enough to make her grunt. He held her there, spread-eagled over a woven hunting scene, feet off the floor and snowy gown spread out and flattened. How had he blocked Egwene and Elayne? He had to remember.


Suddenly he flew across the hallway to crash into the wall opposite Lanfear, pressed there like an insect by something that barely allowed him to breathe.


Lanfear appeared to have no trouble breathing. “Whatever you can do, Lews Therin, I can do. And better.” Pinned against the wall as she was, she seemed unperturbed.


[tSR; 10, The Stone Stands]



Edit: The above quote was Optimus. He must have removed his comment.


Yes I did because I realised I was wrong


Yeah I must have been posting while you did it.


Fourth would be Leane, love love love the character development after Stilling, her sensuality and even mor ethan that her vulnerability and her sincerity.


I love Leane too. She's so strong but in such a unique way. And especially since her character could so easily have been a non-character.

5. Daigian (consolation prize for staying long enough to become Aes Sedai  )


Lol, though Elise Worrel may have beaten her.



Fourth would be Leane, love love love the character development after Stilling, her sensuality and even mor ethan that her vulnerability and her sincerity.


I love Leane too. She's so strong but in such a unique way. And especially since her character could so easily have been a non-character.


Agreed. The scene where she finds out that she might be able to be Healed of Stilling has brought tears to my eyes on more than one re-reading. She's just so... genuine. An excellent foil for Siuan and a superb example of what individual Aes Sedai 'might have been' had they never gone to the WT or learned how to channel.


I would have loved to have seen her POV when she tested to become Accepted and then again for the Shawl.


OK. Playing Catch-Up Here...Thanks For All The Opinions!! A Few Points To Yall:


1 Impressive Bosom (or so she still claims ;) )Verin's third, mainly for *reasons I can't get into here*. ... Why Can't You??! LOL.


Also, as far as ''Souring on Cadsuane recently'', I agree. I LOVE Cads, but I hate hate hate how she was handled at the very end of TGS.


2 Ed2funy...Fisher, Mines' isn't a word....Annnnd, your points is?? ;)


3 Luckers...I agree about that scene with Leane...SO Touching. Also, Yes, the first scene with Cads is fantastic...when Rand wonders if SHE is the crazy one LOL!!!


4 Thanatos...Myrelle is a cool and interesting pick as a Top 5!!


5 Mhael...Way to drop in Romanda and Lelaine! Cool!


6 Muad Cheade...You and I have veeeery similar list!!!


7 Leatherleaf...Im with you about Verin being cool because she was confusing...she even puzzled Cadsuane and she gets major kudos from me for that in my book!


8 Optimus...I think its very admirable that you are optimistic about Alvairin's future...Im afraid that Im convinced that she is simplyy destinined to forever be Team Dark's bit...uh...you know...


9 Nightstrike...I agree with you...Lot of good ones to choose from, but, for me, Moiraine Damodred is still just IT!!!


10 The Fisher King...Uh, Thats Me LoL!!! ... I just wanted to add 2 real quick I neglected...After the last two books, Egwene did the impossible...went from a character I passionately despised to a character I admire and love...Nynaeve, well, I have loved her since the beginning lol :)





1.  Nynaeve - She's been my favorite female character from the start.  I love the byplay between her and Mat.

2.  Alanna - Not much character development, but I like the fire.  I can't help but think she has a larger role to play.

3.  Siuan -post severing  - She seemed like an old battle ax before she got sliced, but I like the tension now.

4.  Sorry, but I don't have a four & five.  It's probably blasphemy here but Moiraine and Cadsuane raise my hackles.  The one moment with Leane was very touching, but her character beyond that has never been developed.  'Testing out the sexy side' isn't enough for me to be interested in her unless it becomes relevent.  Egwene?  If she's dumb enough to fawn over that little rat Gawyn.....


Deviations...thanks for posting.


Listen, while I happen to really like Cadsuane (except for the end) I can still totally see how and why she might greatly irritate alot of readers.


As for Moiraine, well...I just can't find anything unlikeable to her lol! ;)





A couple of mine are obvious and couple not so...


1. Moiraine

2. Verin

3. Cadsuane (prior to TGS)

4. Silviana (I like someone who isn't a politician and just does their duty. I know there isn't much development on her but there it is.)

5. Carlinya (Only because she's all cold logic, but one of Min's viewings had her being seduced and turning into some kind of nympho.)



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