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Anybody know a Tinker?


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It never ceases to amaze me that people who have read thirteen books at 700+ pages per book won't read a few paragraphs here at DM.  Of course, the quality of writing might not be the same but volume of words should not be an issue.  Just tell me straight out that I'm just a wind bag who can't write, for crying out loud.  :'(


It's not that I am saying it is bad...I haven't read any so I don't know.

I just would not be able to follow anything else if I did that.

Maybe in the future...but Fiddles and some Orgs is enough for now.


I was just being silly...as usual.  ;)



Nice to...uuuhhhmmm...(tries not to be too obvious)..."see"...you again, Nyn!  (Love that avatar)  >:D



* gets swatted up side the head *

* hears somebody calling him a dirty old man *


I resemble that remark!!!

I prefer to be known as an elderly appreciator of fine art!!!



Interesting to post a link here. I would highly recommend the RP boards.


As for people not willing to read... well you don't have a main story arch, developed characters, etc. that goes with novels and series. So it is a little difficult entice people to read it.



I found it a wonderful read though, it reminded me of some of the people around here ;p. Though I didn't read anything of the best part of the Tinkers, the seductive dancing! :D



Are you just looking for opinions on your writing or for people to join in your world of hippie delight? I make some mean brownies you know. (I put scowly faces on them) 


They'd have to be vegetarian brownies.  ;)


The dancing WILL take place after the main characters are developed.  As will a meeting between two trains of wagons.  And some other fun Tinker stuff.  Maybe a guest juggling appearance by some Honorary Gleeman?  ::)


I would LOVE to have other people join in the posting!!!  That's why this thread is at this site.  Some of the people who post here used to post over at the Wagons of the Tuatha'an.  We did a little singing and dancing over there and had some good vegetarian chili as we traveled from Org to Org.  Those folks and other "Tinkers at heart" might enjoy having a place to pretend to be a pacifistic nature lover.  :)


We did indeed, I just don't get the chance now that I can't get on here at work during the day, my time is limited :)


I do have to say i take my hat off to those that can RP. There are some talented people on these boards. I just don't have the time, nor am I that good..


It's really a thing of practice, Talya. My first RPs would make a horse throw up (point of interest, horses can't throw up. mmm.... interesting :p).






Yeah, but that's after years of practice. And I still find mistakes here and there, when it comes to grammar, spelling mistakes and so on. Also, you get a better feel of a character after a while. At least for me, it doesn't come right away.






I'll continue reading, however I'll have to hold off on joining in till I'm back from Afghanistan. I find the contrast and irony amusing though if I were to join in from here ;p


Can't say I'm a tinker at heart, but they would be an interesting people to visit and bring gifts of welcome.


Do your job, soldier, but return home safely.


As for RP, it doesn't matter.  Fifty years from now, nobody will remember what you posted.  Skill is OK.  I rely more heavily on inspiration.  If the story comes to me, I write.  If I have to try to come up with something, I suck.  With RP, so far, I haven't been under the gun to post.  That allows it to be fun.  If it turns out poor, my audience isn't out a dime.  No pressure.  Just fun.


* climbs down off from his soap box *

* goes to find some more fun before time to get ready for work *


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