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The Zesty Quest

Al Jenn Mael

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I thought yall were tring to kill me and i needed to use my crafty craftieness to stay alive... at least with out going tooooo over board

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(He didn't respawn, but when the pillows tried to kill him they created a tear in the spacetime continuum and is now in a reality where pillows only know the way of the leaf and nothing else)


That strangely enough feels very much alive as well as feeling very ticklish.


Breaking out in laughter he wondered how much more he could take as a bend came in sight up ahead where...



(The quest isn't over yet, in fact it has only just begun, he has yet to meet the princess, be double crosses, or a few other significant events. So one way or another I have a feeling Zesty will make it through for a few more pages)



Locke...I know. :P

I still kill him with FAIL. ;D


There were several Pillows humming softly and carrying laterns.

They seemed to be wearing...robes!

He immediately attacked one thinking they were just trying to confuse him.

The other Pillows cried out as their brother died and started chanting.

They made no move to attack him and Questy stood there, dumbfounded.

He decided to.....


"I am the Death Genie!

You may have three wishes, and they might be granted, but after your third wish, any of them granted or not, I will kill you!"

Questy sh*t his pants in fright....


*sits and thinks for a miniute*


Well... about that, i kinda need my life, but i do know one person who would jump all over that... *grins* Eddie is always talking about how he wants to die after his three wishes, Ill let you grant his wishes instead and you'll have some oone who is actually grate full for your servecis rather than hatting you for it... *holds up both palms as if weighing something* Be apriciated, *raises one and lowers the other* or hated and not appriciated *lowers hand and raises the other*


I bet youd like to be appriciated more in your... well life span wouldnt you. *Pats death genie on the chest*


*grins as genie disapates and heads for his new target*


*The genie roams the 7 corners of the world looking for this person Questy had sent him to look for. The thought of someone who would like him for what he was going to do was overwhelming.

Too bad he never found this Eddie.


He went to Questy and demanded an explanation. When Questy could offer none, he went to...*


After the mailman couldn't tell him anything, he angrily made his way back to Questy, but on the way falls of of the same cliff the magic plastic bag had fallen from, and lands in it, trapped for eternity.

Questy who was still intent on finishing his quest, questily continued the questy quest. He was moving through the cave when all of a sudden he was ambushed by pillows, who knowing their previous tortures had failed, had a new one in mind. They dragged him to their outpost and through him into a pile of themselves

"No to soft and comfortable...must stay awake...must..."

He fell into a slumber and when he awoke there was fighting around him...


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