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2010 Resolutions


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Short attention span there ed_  ...  ;D



I'm pretty sure herself meant how's we doin' with our Revolu.. err.. Revolver.. crap! ... Resolutions.. yeah that's the one.


if anyone looked at the link to that blog post I did, anyone would know without malice or aforethought or even kindly intentions ... I don't do resolutions!  :D

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My 2010 resolution......



GET BETTER INTERNET SERVICE!!!!!!!  Omg I am so sick of the wi-fi not working <grr face>  Somebody thought it was a good idea to drive straight into the internet tower and take out everyone for a seven block radius :(  *throughs arms around the fellow Kin members and cries*  I missed y'all sooooooooooo much!!!

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I've been called worse! *smirks*


So, how's everyone doing?


Doing well with the taking better care of myself resolution. I've started learning Pilates exercises, and am using a weekly planner to keep track of both the exercise, appointments and other things that need to be done. This helps me to not stress about it.


The finishing WOT resolution is a work in progress. I've reached chapter 25 in A Crown Of Swords now.

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Sounds like you're doing very well! :D  YAY! :D


I have the edits in for my book, but that's as far as I've made it with mine. *sighs* I really need to get back to keeping up with stuff... I did buy a pedometer. I just don't get anywhere near 10,000 steps a day!

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Okay, we'll try this again.


1- Weight loss.  I say it this way, because fitness-wise I am not bad.  I can run 1 1/2 miles under 13 minutes, and weightlifting is flying right along.  I just still weigh 260 lbs(And at 6ft my BMI rates me as Morbidly Obese).  FAILED


2- Make more time for projects, both solo(building/fixing things) and Family type(This one should be easier since I am no longer on mandatory overtime).  FAILED


3- Everything else in my life runs fairly smooth, so I guess I'll leave this one open. Even though it's empty.....FAILED



Okay, so we'll try again. 


1.  Get in shape

2.  Get off my a$$

3.  Think about a path to take back in school. 

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Hi everyone!  I sure miss you!


The goals sound great for the year and doable for each and everyone of you! *nods*  You know I'm rooting for you!


Hmm my three...and I have thought greatly about these this year..



1.  Follow through and finish everything I start.


2.  Renovate my home and yard..it may not be the best but it can look good!


3.  Start my own Crafting website to sell my creations.


and I actually do have a fourth in this list..and that is to seriously dedicate myself to writing my novel.


*grins at Lor*


i remember the last list with "Get pregnant"  on it..lol  That was a fun year!  You also got a house and a job teaching if I remember right...*winks*  So your track record is really good!

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Yay for classes going well!


And try to look at the added projects as joy you'll get to have later. ;) Joy for working on them, and even more for checking them off your to do list! :)

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Resolutions!  Well it's now nearing the end of March but I did make some for myself at the beginning of the year and they are:


1.  Work at getting more excercise.  I have definitely started on this one.  I make it a point to get at least 30 minutes of excercise most days.  I take my little monkey out in the pram and walk someplace (unless it is stinking hot and over 40 degrees, in which case I dance around in the living room with her!  Much more fun!)


2.  Improve my diet by eating more healthy.  Well I've made a stab at this one.  The hubs and I have stopped buying junk like chocolate and chips (but oh man...do I miss Doritos!  haha) and I try to eat my 2 serves of fruit and 5 of veg everyday.  It's difficult sometimes with an 8 month old because she's very active and I rarely have time to sit down and make something healthy.  But I've started cooking/preparing things when she goes to bed at night that I can eat the next day, which saves a bit of time.  It's hard to get motivated to do that sometimes because most days I'm up by 6 and so when she goes to bed at 7 I'm pooped!  haha :)


3.  Work on managing our finances.  This is something the hubs and I are both having to work at, as I am not working outside the home.  We both felt it was important for me to stay home with our daughter (she has a few health problems so we spend a lot of time visiting various doctors!).  We had a flatmate renting a room in our place up until the middle of February.  He was paying rent each week and 1/3 of the bills/food costs so it's been a bit of an adjustment.  We're still getting used to it, but we're both working at it.  :)


All in all....I'm doing fairly well so far this year.  Let's hope I can keep it up!  :)

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