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Blade of Light, Three Become One. (Full Spoilers).


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Hmm, the point could be made that they have been working in unison, but that during the Last Battle they would have to 'become as one' to overcome the DO. That way, killing either before TG would prevent them from doing so, which explains what the Fade said. Still, I agree that it's a stretch.


So. You think the three lovers have already become 'one', after a fashion, just by using that new Weave? Possible, I guess. And if so, Occam's razor demands that we cease looking for other ways in which this prophecy might be fulfilled. Still, I got the feeling that both parts of the sentence are related, and so the Blade of Light has to play a role in this somehow.


@FSM, I don't see any discussion here of Brandon's comment regarding Rand's hands, so I'm going back to my thread. Let me know if you still think that it's redundant, and I'll lock it (if you convince me, that is :smile:).

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they already are one, and don't need to become so.


But they haven't become a unit in the sense of coming together in each other's presence. Min's Viewing of Rand and Perrin confirms that this will be a necessity:


'When you two were together, I saw those fireflies and the darkness stronger than ever...But with the two of you in the same room, the fireflies were holding their own instead of being eaten faster than they can swarm, the way they do when you're alone.'


It does not seem unreasonable to suppose that when the third leg of the tripod - Mat - is also present, those 'fireflies' will do more than just 'hold their own'.


Hmm, the point could be made that they have been working in unison, but that during the Last Battle they would have to 'become as one' to overcome the DO. That way, killing either before TG would prevent them from doing so, which explains what the Fade said. Still, I agree that it's a stretch.


So. You think the three lovers have already become 'one', after a fashion, just by using that new Weave? Possible, I guess. And if so, Occam's razor demands that we cease looking for other ways in which this prophecy might be fulfilled. Still, I got the feeling that both parts of the sentence are related, and so the Blade of Light has to play a role in this somehow.


@FSM, I don't see any discussion here of Brandon's comment regarding Rand's hands, so I'm going back to my thread. Let me know if you still think that it's redundant, and I'll lock it (if you convince me, that is :smile:).


I've replied in that thread. Sorry for any confusion! :cool:


We know that Callandor needs a man and two woman to be used safely/effectively.


I wold be shocked if two men and a woman could not achieve the same provided that the man controlling the link was not the one using Callandor.



  Two men and one woman CANNOT be in a 'Linked Circle' together as the BWB states as a fact this:


Other gender mixes are possible in a link as well. The number of men in a circle is limited only by the fact that with the [glow=yellow,2,300]exceptions of the linking of one man and one woman or of two men and one woman[/glow] (and, of course, two men and two women), there must always be at least one more woman in the circle than the number of men. Thus, three men would need four women to be in a circle together, four men would need five women, and so on. There can also be smaller circles than thirteen, whether of women alone or of men and women.


If the prophecy of the three shall become one is in fact a 'linked circle', it has to be in a ratio of two women and one man



That directly implies that the third individual to join this 'linked circle', has to be a woman without question.



Did you even read what you typed in; I highlighted what supports my statement.




Quoted for Effect.


To further point out what lilltempest was saying, I re-bolded the most important section. The part where it says two men and one woman is an exception to the rule.


How much speculation that Rand will bond Perrin and Mat as his warders? Thereby creating a series of cross-links that are guaranteed to drive Alanna into wittering lunacy.


I've never been sure if it was the bonding or its aftermath with Elayne that caused Alanna to keel over.. but that's a fascinating thought. Not sure what Mat and Perrin would think of it, though. Mat does not like AS, and although he now knows that saidin is clean, he'll be a tad wary even so. Especialy as he'll have to take his medallion off.

The three ta'veren interpretation is a stretch.


I disagree..


'Cut one leg of the tripod, and all fall down.'

In that sense (assuming it is true, which I doubt), then they already are one, and don't need to become so.


They weren't really - I mean he knew that LTT was a former self and all through the books he (and others) debated whether he was just mad or whether there was some realness to the LTT dialogue. There was too much that LTT said to him that a sheepherder from two rivers could not possibly know and there was all that fighting over the source too - so even though they were both himself they definitely were not "one". I guess by becoming one I see it as acceptence and also I think it is linked into an event somehow - he only noticed that LTT was no longer there when he had destroyed the CK. It was like there was a possibility that he could have gone down the LTT path - made the same mistakes as last time - but when he closed off that option by destroying CK he also destroyed the possibility that he would do that. This ties into his self dialogue up the mountain too "I want to do it right this time" I think he will win the game by breaking the rules - he will not fight.


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