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Possible LoA


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Update: they operated on him today to remove his gall bladder and ... stuff. Despite the doctors' predictions, he made it through that.


Oh, and they confirmed that he has Alzheimers  ::)

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Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to clear up a few things for those who don't know (and forgive the repetition but I'm tired and just copying and pasting what I posted at the org side):


As some might know, my father was rushed to hospital on Monday with severe pains on his stomach. After extensive tests, the doctors believed it might be gall stones that broke through the gall bladder.


Whether or not that is the case, I don't know. My father regularly pretends to be in pain just to get attention. He has done that his whole life, and has run through all the money we have, getting unnecessary medical treatment. 9 times out of 10 it turns out to be nothing, but there's always that 1 time.


Anyway, they operated on him today and removed his gall bladder. I'm not too sure what else was done, if anything, but despite the doctors' dire predictions due to his various ailments, he made it through the op.


They confirmed too that he has Alzheimers. We've known this for years, but ... yeah ... doctors  >:( ::)


Anyway, once he gets out of hospital, he'll need more caretaking than usual (anaesthetics makes his Alzheimers worse), so I might not be around as much as usual, and probably tired and snappish to boot.


Just thought I'd give you all a heads up  :)

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Updating here and on the official LoA thread-- Elgee's father has passed and she will be on LoA for an indeterminate amount of time.  In the mean time, please direct any inquiries about N&A related issues to Lavinya, and Aes Sedai/RP approval related to me.  If you're not sure who to talk to, just send an email to dmwhitetowerstaff@gmail.com.





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