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Seanchan: major RP ongoing - check in if you wish to be part of it


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if you have a Seanchan character of any kind or would like to play a NSW one, please step forward. Those who want to play an NSW one need to be able to show a little of their RPing skills, so that we can insure the continuity of character development for those NSW's.


For some time now there's a major RP being organised and some parts of it already Rp'd I believe. The RP is centered around the kidnapping of the Daughter of the Nine Moons. At this point in the story, Ruan (the DotNM) is kidnapped and the Band is making it's way back to their Citadel, leaving the Seanchan behind.


However, there is definately still room for some serious RPing for Seanchan characters here. Be it for a raid or two (attempts to rescue or some other Band/Seanchan encounter) or for character development for your PC's.


Please consider though that should you join in and make your character an integral part of the story we will need to be able to rely on you to see it through so long as your character remains vital to the story. Obviously, the level of its importance can differ depending on the needs of the story and such.


I'm currently in the process of gathering up all information on things that has been done so far and Quibby, the Band's DL, is being a huge help in this.


Those of you that were part of this before, obviously (unless your character has been killed or made into Graendal's pet or something) your continued participation would be fantastic.



NON-SEANCHAN: there may be room for random non-Band/non-Seanchan characters to be part of this rp too, though the main focus lies on them (obviously). So let us hear you if you want in with one of your characters :)



Ok, line up here.... put x on the nice paper and stand still for the needle prick so you can blot the x with a bit of blood.





*checks post for any unwanted math... nope, all clear.... fwew..... marches off to go spank Tay again*

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Amyante is a sul'dam that would love some RPing. She's still new to this whole damane business so if anyone could show her around...


Kizuna is a damane that would hate some RPing. She's still new to this whole sul'dam business so if anyone could show her around...


Only condition is that Kizuna and Amyante are not to meet one another.

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Still working on creating that list of NSW's Sieve, didn't forget ya', it's just a bit more difficult to find than I anticipated.


Jehaine, what exactly do you mean with 'show her around'? Are yo looking for a damane and sul'dam to link your two to or looking for a damane to show your damane around and a sul'dam to show your sul'dam around? Or what exactly do you have in mind?

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I got that lol. But what I still don't get is what 'type' of character you need to play with for each. A sul'dam? Another Damane? A random noble person? A Der'sul'dam? This is what I need to know in order to know what you mean with 'getting them started'. The only Seanchan character I have right now is a dacovale, which I doubt is what will be able to help you. I can make another character, but I need to know what you need in order to be able to do something to help you out in this.


Am I making myself any clearer here or am I just confusing things more?



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Sieve, at the moment it looks like we only have one NSW Seanchan character (the DotNM herself). We'll be creating a whole host of NSW characters for all the different groups, though. If you have an idea for a character, let me and Asfaloth know by pm. We'll see what we can do to help out. Would you be willing to write the bio if need be? Wouldn't count as your character, as it would be an NSW.

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Still working on creating that list of NSW's Sieve, didn't forget ya', it's just a bit more difficult to find than I anticipated.

NP, if you need a specific male character for that RP, or for future RP's (like a Deathwatch guard or army type) just let me know as I was going to create a Seanchan PC anyway.


sorry was typing as you posted.  I would be glad to write a bio for an NSW, just let me know what character type you need.

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let's start with one you would like to play in this particular RP phase of the arc. So I'm throwing the ball back to you ;) I'm rushing this through so you could join in on the fun of this RP phase as Asfa and myself still need to discuss certain issues before we can go full out on the creation of the NSW's.


Myself, I will be creating a Selucia type character to go with the DotNM as her shadow.

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if I understand what Quibby is saying on his Band thread correctly, this second phase is mainly about character development. Ruan will be taken during this phase, so there's quite a bit of room for many different types of characters. I don't know what you are comfortable with to RP, so it's really hard for me to give suggestions. But some things will always be needed, like: Der'Sul'dam, Morat x, Soldiers high and low, servants, Ogier (as part of the Death Watch Guard), Truth Seekers, etc.

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I'm not comfortable RP'ing females other than that I have no issues.  I will brainstorm and decide upon a character or two.  ;)  I was trying to see what was needed cause I wanted to make sure the characters I create are not RP'ing with themselves.  ;D 


Are all the high ranking Seanchan going to be NSW's?  Do we know if the plan for the kidnapping is going to follow the books with Just Ruan and her shadow being kidnapped or is there a possibility for others Seanchan to be involved?

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I'm leaning towards all high ranking positions in all groups to be NSW's but with the possibility of players earning the privelege to play them in some form or other. The problem with linking a needed position to a player is that if the player leaves, we constantly need to find a replacement for that position. If we want to make a change of which person holds a certain position IC, we can demote a NSW and promote another one much easier than replacing RPers that just up and vanish and then come back and then maybe be offended or something.


Still need to discuss this with the staff (aka: Asfaloth) but yeah, that's the general idea I'm leaning towards.


I actually don't know if there is room for other Seanchan to accompany the kidnapping party. Possibly there will be room for a Sul'dam or two (need to re-read the rp arc and talk to Quibby). The vast majority of the Seanchan will not be able to join that party, obviously. They will be, however, in the position to join the rescue attempts, search parties, interrogation activities, maybe some have secret scheming dreams of a new name that they see in a new light suddenly *look*. There's quite a bit of room for fun RPing outside the kidnapping party as well. I'll see if I can nudge Quibby to come check this thread out and join in with some more info on that RP. (which we actually should be discussing in the other thread I made, but lol, this will do too.)

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Got it that makes sense about the NSW's.  Just wasn't sure if a PC could rise to the rank of Banner General or of the lower blood or something similar.


Yeah I figured there wouldn't be room for too many if any at all.  Was just wondering if a solitary Deathwatch guard or servant who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time could be included in the party.  I'll wait and see what the plan entails.  If its possible then great if not then its no big deal, I'll find other stuff for them to get involved in.

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it would be fun for one Death Watch to be able to join them and be bound to the same promise of not escaping as the Selucia character would be. Though realistically, I'm not sure how much Mat would trust a warrior in his camp, no matter how much he promises anything. Selucia was a woman, after all and Mat's always had a weak spot for those (more fool him lol).

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it would be fun for one Death Watch to be able to join them and be bound to the same promise of not escaping as the Selucia character would be. 

  Yes that is what I was thinking.  It would be quite a quandry.


Though realistically, I'm not sure how much Mat would trust a warrior in his camp, no matter how much he promises anything. Selucia was a woman, after all and Mat's always had a weak spot for those (more fool him lol).

Mat wouldn't trust him which would be very interesting as well.  He is not likely to let him remain behind knowing who took her nor would he kill the man, Mat is not a cold-blooded killer.  So in effect he would be stuck with him.
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hm, it could work. If Ruan orders him to stand down quickly enough. But 'would' they in light of seeing her life at risk? Would they not realistically ignore her order, get her to safety, regardless that they would be executed afterwards for disobeying the DotNM? They are quite weird, those Seanchan folk.

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hm, it could work. If Ruan orders him to stand down quickly enough. But 'would' they in light of seeing her life at risk? Would they not realistically ignore her order, get her to safety, regardless that they would be executed afterwards for disobeying the DotNM? They are quite weird, those Seanchan folk.

They are weird...maybe he will die then.  :o  I have no problem with any of my characters meeting their demise.  8)
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Just for clarification, Calder Berrick is not an exact copy of Mat Cauthon, meaning that the way Mat would act is not necessarily how Calder will act.  Calder, while retaining the same sense of humor, is more likely to outright kill anything that gets in his way if he has to, especially when the 'fight' option in the fight or flight response is not available.  Even if he didn't, there will likely be people in the extraction party who would kill a man without a second thought.


Realistically, the Deathwatch Guard would rather die than see anything happen to the Daughter of the Nine Moons.  Coupled with people who are more than willing to make that desire a reality...


During the retreat, there will be no Asha'man with the Band, meaning that there would be nobody to shield any sul'dam or damane who came along, so that option's pretty much out.


When it comes right down to it, the Band simply cannot extract two dozen people or more without raising suspicion to the point where it would take some serious ignoring of the laws of believability to make the RP a success.  As it is, there will likely be close to a dozen people leaving at the same time, which will make it difficult enough.  As much fun as it would be to include a cadre of Seanchan prisoners with the escape, it's simply not feasible.


That being said, there is going to be some serious pursuit, which I would love to see include as many people as possible; battling against an NPC force isn't nearly as fun as having two sides to the battle.  The first skirmish or two, while the Band is trying to regroup, will be victories for the Seanchan.  The last battle between the two, though, will have Calder in command of the Band and a rout of the pursuing Seanchan, which gives the Band enough time to get out of Seanchan-controlled territory.

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