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Hello! Thought i'd stop by and say i'm thinking about joining up. Something about having a weekend to myself always makes my fingers itch for new characters :P Sooooo...... BT.... what do you not have enough of.... what do you have too much of...what stereotype will you kill me if I make.... :P


Give a girl some advice beyond the typical guidelines :P



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More gay characters! :D


/end selfishness :P


Seriously though, there are lots of youngin's with the spark (guilty!), and many fewer middle-aged or older learners. Also lots of borderlanders and Andorans. I think I'm the only Illianer, and we also have an Amadician. I don't think we have any Tairens, Domani, Taraboners, or Altarans. Hope that's the sort of info you were looking for!

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*waves* I'm the amadician earlier mentioned.


Personally, I think that you shouldn't have the spark because to fit in with reality, we already have almost all our PCs with the spark, be a learner!


Don't be a borderlander, they are extremely overdone, soooooo many people have them and it just gets to be too many borderlanders *nodnod* Make someone from the countries Muir named, and try to be creative with your character, make it something we won't expect and something different. It's much less fun to play the boring normal person.


Of course, you can always make a civy, we have far too few civys (by my count, one active one :cry: )


Anyway, I hope that helps...

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Guest Estel

lol...I don't suggest you make another Jocelyn...the Tower couldn't hold another Jocelyn...or at least Rion wouldn't be able to :wink:


ya...Borderlanders do tend to be overdone, and we have few gay BTers (3). we have a lot of miserable guys too, and few happy-go-lucky ones...


as for civvies...civvies basically hold monoploly over all the straight BTers and they usually end up picking a guy and sticking with him.

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As if we won't have enough trouble on our hands with Lav coming... Now she's making a civi! this could be dangerous.


Back on topic... Make whoever the hell you want to RP. Do what you think you'll have fun with and if anyone gives you crap for it just make the character a bit more of a jerk towards said person. :P always fun...

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and there is always the madness to play on to make things interesing..just made a split personality in here myself before i went on summer LoA...so will be fun geting back and get him through his classes *nods*

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Guest Estel

lol...I can just see the gay personality coming through in Aslan...Serge would be on him before Aslan could recover :wink:


and Lav's coming? :shock: lol...is this gonna be another Lavi or a Kiarma?

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If you really want to go anti stereotype stay away from the stony faced, I sleep with my sword kind of character as well. We could start the BT Cowards club :D


But civies are the harder characters to play in the BT as an fyi, unless you attach them to someone quick. All are civvies tend to die off cause it's like trying to play a cook in the WT instead of an Aes Sedai


But I'm with Drenn on this one, make whatever you want and to hell with what kind of stereotypes there are

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Guest Dalinar

Wow lots of great responses from our members. Thanks very much folks!


Something that might be a little different is someone who plays the Taint up a bit more than usual. Or someone who is absolutely terrified or very biased against channeling and stays that way (jasonr plays an amadician but he has come to terms with his previous prejudice against channeling quite quickly). Maybe someone who brings something to the Tower that isn't already here - perhaps a trade or some other aspect from the past that isn't very common.


Whenever you're ready please send your bio to bios@blacktowerdiv.com and I will look it over.





Div Leader.

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Interesting idea actually. Reminds me of the fact that my character was a blacksmith before he came to the tower. Maybe he should set up a forge? Hey Dali, does the Black Tower already have a forge?


But there you go. You could set youraself up with a skilled trade like that or something. Opens up lots of alternate RP oppertunities.

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Guest Estel

the BT has a forge...and I know some of the other boys have posted working there before


lol...well...you may have a mintrel very soon...Isha's gonna be changing...


[quivers in excitement over the up-coming stuff she's got planned for Ishie)


hmm...must talk to marak about Ishie's torture...

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Guest Dalinar

Ragnar is our 'official' forge master if we were to have one. He has some skill with Aligning the Matrix.


Of course, Ragnar also hasn't been particularly active for a while, so you might as well treat it as an NPC type position at the moment.



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