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I think it was silly of him to answer that Mesaana was still in the Tower--think of all the debate he killed.   ;)
Since when has the author saying something ever killed debate?


Do we know if mesaana is actually a part of the black ajah, it would seem best to not be in the ajah so as best escape scrutiny if something were to happen to it.
We know she isn't - she's one of the Chosen. Alviarin heads the BA.
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I think it was silly of him to answer that Mesaana was still in the Tower--think of all the debate he killed.   ;)
Since when has the author saying something ever killed debate?


Not much debate about Sammael being alive these days.


Just hang out for a bit. It'll happen. Same as 'I think Taim is Demandred', or (my personal favourite), 'Olver is totally Gaidal Cain'.


I think it was silly of him to answer that Mesaana was still in the Tower--think of all the debate he killed.   ;)
Since when has the author saying something ever killed debate?
Not much debate about Sammael being alive these days.
It does crop up.



Agreed. The only thing these forums have taught me is that whatever I think really happened is wrong...no matter how many times I change my mind, at least until a book comes out.


Also, I've heard people say that they think Sammael isn't dead. I guess words from RJ himself aren't convincing enough.


My friend went to the Boston signing at my request (I'm from Australia). I gave her a couple of questions to ask Brandon, but she refused to ask the questions once she saw how nerdy the people at the book signing were. She even thought Brandon was nerdy! LOL


well at least she got my copy signed and personalised  :D

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My favorite are the Taimandred supports who convinced themselves that Jordan changed it after he realized how smart all of us were.


Tell that to Ned.


If you're referring to Ned Stark then that is hilarious. 


If you aren't referring to Ned Stark then I'll head back to my hole.




p.s. Just discovered these boards. Enjoying the heck out of them!


So, with regards to the hidden detail in books 4-6.  Don't we have to assume that the thing/person/whatever that BS was referring to shows up first in book 4, but then shows up again in books 5 and 6?


Can someone ask if Brandon noticed/questioned this detail before he started writing WOT?


What if Alanna- who bonded Rand in Book 4(?)- Is ILYENA REBORN.


why, because the names sound similar?



Not just that, but after reading this series for so long, I cant believe RJ would have her bond him for nothing.


This might be off thread topic, but I couldn't think of anywhere else to ask this question. I'm pretty sure I'll be going to the Phoenix event that's part of the book tour. And I wanted to check whether or not you have to buy the book at the event to get it signed. I'm guessing that you don't have to buy one, but I just want to make sure :P Any other information about how to get the book signed would be helpful, since I just saw something about buying a ticket? Can anyone help me out?


There were some interesting answers at the Dallas signing and storm leader dinner:


Myrddraal are not trollocs who can channel.  Thier powers are totally independant from the OP.  They really are just throwbacks to the human stock.  Harriet added that there are also animal throwbacks, but they just die.


The prophecy of the land being one with the Dragon Reborn, and the Dragon being one with the land will play a big role in these last three books.  


When asked if the Rand's wound from the Shadar Logoth dagger was really contained like Samitsu thinks it is, the answer was RAFO.


The black/dark aura around Rand is partially, but not entirely, an effect of TP useage.  There will be consequences from Rand's TP use.


The True Power is *usually* not able to be used without the DO's consent.  Semirhage certainly thought that the DO intentionally betrayed her.


Regarding Mesaana's alter ego: Brandon said that he had been sent a reliable quote from a Jordan interview that she wasn't anyone we had seen 'on screen' as of KoD(? he may have said CoT? I need to find the quote).  Specifically, he said that Laras has been around since New Spring.  And would not say if Mesaana was 'on screen' as her alter ego in TGS, because he doesn't want to limit good discussion.


He would not confirm the Seanchan have the tech necessary to make cuendillar, or if ter'angreal copying and would skip the need to also make the copied item into cuendillar.  He did say: "If the Seanchan had the knowledge of how to make cuendillar, don't you think we would have seen it by now?"  


Rand did not use compulsion, or any other weaves, on Tuon at their meeting.  Tuon's refusal was mainly due to her innate sense of self.  At this point, she firmly believes that she is the most important person in the world.


Mat going into Hinderstap with an empty cart, and leaving with a fully laden one was a nod to Stone Soup.  Plato was referenced as the author of one of the philosophy books listed in the glossary.  He said it was a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy....etc.


Suilin appearing with Rand's group was NOT an error.  Perrin is approximately a month behind everyone else in the timeline and will play major catchup in ToM.


I figured that Sulin's appearance with the Aiel whom are with Rand was NOT an error. My bet is that the Wise Ones used gateways to find and gather together all of the various groups of Aiel before they moved en masse into Arad Doman.

Regarding Mesaana's alter ego: Brandon said that he had been sent a reliable quote from a Jordan interview that she wasn't anyone we had seen 'on screen' as of KoD(? he may have said CoT? I need to find the quote).  Specifically, he said that Laras has been around since New Spring.  And would not say if Mesaana was 'on screen' as her alter ego in TGS, because he doesn't want to limit good discussion.


This is the second time I've heard this.  The last time Luckers jumped all over it since RJ said previously that we should be able to figure out her alter ego relatively easily and that we had seen her already.  Maybe someone could address this directly with Brandon at a future signing.

I'm not sure if it was meant to be Baileys, Crossroads [of Twilight] signing or Baily's Crossroads signing. Either way going off the original .rec forum statement 2003 is the correct date (and there is the fact that its up on the FAQ which hasn't been updated since 2004--therefore it can't come from 2005). VA is indeed an American abreviation for Virginia. And yes it was for Crossroads of Twilight--thats what RJ was doing book signing's for in 2003.

Bailey's Crossroads is apparently a shopping center in Arlington, VA?  Brandon Sanderson also did a stop there on this tour.


The date confusion was a typo (easy one to make), and it's been fixed now.  If nightstrike had followed the link I provided, he would have seen the correct date.


I came here to scour for reports and had to scour through pages of arguing about Mesaana.   >:(  In any case, there are at least two quotes from RJ saying Mesaana's alter ego has been seen on screen (one through implication, by saying we should be able to figure it out), so I'm really wondering about these quotes from BS saying otherwise.


All of the reports in this thread so far have been added to the database, with the exception of post #122 which was covered more accurately by another person who was present at that signing.  I will be keeping up with the thread to add more reports.


Also, it would be MOST APPRECIATED (by me, and by the many people who use the interview database) if you guys could put all reports in this thread (except for the stormleader official reports, of course).  There has already been one that was referred to in this thread that was posted in another thread by mrc1ark, and I am wondering why it was not posted here.   :(  In any case, I'm grateful to the person who copied it over from the other thread.


Actually if your looking to report Q&A issues it would be preferred you add it to either the compilation thread, or PM'd directly to me so I can add it. You guys are prodigious in your coversational abilities and things get lost.


Terez, I'll PM you with any non-storm leader tidbits I recieve for your interview database. If it's not too much trouble could you do the same for me from your theoryland material.


There are some reports posted right now on the Theoryland book tour forum, if you'd like to read up.  Of particular interest might be the Dallas report by Matoyak, the NYC report by Winespring Brother (soon to be posted as a stormleader report, from what I understand), and the SLC report by Tamyrlin (more complete than the one that was posted as a stormleader report - from what I understand, the transcript wasn't entirely finished when the stormleader report was made).  There is also a bit from Atlanta that adds to a question from the Dallas report, but since it's still not entirely clear, there will be a follow-up question coming soon from a CA Theorylander.


My OCD personality prefers that I have a link to the original report by the person that actually attended the signing, as you can see by the way the interview database is organized.  It's a matter of scholar's integrity, to provide original and official-looking sources whenever possible.  ;D


Thanks Terez. I'll use those in my update tomorrow.


And that's cool about your scholarly integrity, just trying to help. Could you still PM me if you find new stuff. The posters here would really appreaciate it.


There's also the NYC Stormleader report which was posted at 13th Depository already, but not here yet for some reason.  It's pretty much the same as the report Winespring Brother already gave at Theoryland, though.  I might go back through and replace WSB's wordings with these, as they're slightly more articulate, but maybe not as I don't think any information was actually different.


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