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So TGS is out next Tuesday...

el Nynaeve

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Got any plans for the day? ;D


Yeah, I put a thread similar to this up some time ago, but it's been locked and sunk into the catacombs of the Black Tower.


I'm getting my book at the FIRST book signing.  That's how awesome I am.


But you only get like 30 seconds with him all fresh and perky, IF you manage to be near the front end of the line.  I get to hang with him before he has to go in and sign books and see endless amounts of people.


Yeah, I'm all sure of myself.  I have a Storm Leader T-shirt waiting for me. 8)



Thanks, Eebs.


Of course, I also have to DO something, like hand out bookmarks and bumper stickers, socialize with the customers/people who come for the signing, take pictures or notes, write up a report about it....


Don't worry. I'm not bragging, really.  Just puffing up my chest feathers to present a more impressive front. >.>


Congrats Meesh...and I knew about this too, but again as with Ellie I'm on the wrong side of the pond!


So a Storm Leader in more than one sense of the word then...


Which reminds me...*runs off*




Love ya, Talya! ;)


I bet it stinks being over there, sometimes.  For all the things you love about being British, I'm sure it really sucks when it comes to American authors that you love.


Of course, it's not like we have it better all the time.  There are things on Amazon.com that I'd love to buy, but you have to pay in euros, and I'm not sure how to do that, since I only have dollars. :P


Oh it cetainly does suck over here. I love my cpountry, but I'm not blind to it's faults at all...I could easily emigrate to the States ;)


Yopu have fun though, and I want to see pics...You are cetainly getting around in the WoT world...it's awesome!




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