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What are we having for dinner? Green eggs and ham!

Toy and Minion

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6th grade started out good and then got bad. 7th grade sucked. 8th grade has been good so far mostly because I can come home to DM :) ;) :D ;D

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Pfft.  In my experience, High School drama isn't as bad as Jr. High/middle school drama because the people are better equipped to deal with the drama, as opposed to the barely-pubescent, fresh teenies who don't know what the heck they're doing and how the heck to handle drama. :D


Yeah, same here.  Our town actually does it all pretty weird.


Stewart Elementary has Kindergarten thru 3rd grade.

Lincoln Elementary has 4th grade thru 6th grade.

Washington Jr. High has 7th thru 9th grades.

Washington High School has 10th thru 12th grades.


I'd never really been anywhere where they did it like that, until I moved here.


In Dubuque, they just have a bunch of elementary schools for K-6, Jr. Highs for 7th and 8th, and High Schools for 9th-12th.

In Cascade/Bernard, they have an elementary in Cascade and one in Bernard for grades K-6, and then a Jr. High/High school for grades 7-12.


In Ukarumpa, PNG it went day care-kindergarten (same area), 1-6, and then either 7-12 or 7-9 and 10-12... Or maybe 7-8 and 9-12. I don't remember.


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