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What are we having for dinner? Green eggs and ham!

Toy and Minion

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I think you need a natural talent for it.  It's obviously one I'm extremely lacking in.  School never solved any of my problems anyway.


That's neat! :D


High School was a lot of ups and downs for me, but it was generally better than Junior High was.  Jr. High SUCKED.


I played soccer in high school for the first two years till I got injured, was in show choir my sophomore year and half of my junior year, but had to quit because I was too busy to keep up with everything.  Got mono my senior year. ;D  Boys didn't like me much. :P  Except for as the sort of "kid sister" they actually allowed to tag along.


It was still all better than Jr. High.  Junior High was hell.


I wasn't picked either, most people liked me ok. I did have a grudge with this one girl though, she returned the feeling and we spent middle school and most of high school making each other's lives miserable.


Everyone celebrated when she left just before senior year, the whole school hated her. :P


I'm not even in high school yet except for a math class I'm taking *feels very young*


Although, if we're talking about the past, I hated elementary school.  The latter half anyway.  I had to move from PNG to the US  :-\ at the end of second grade.  It took me until about 5th grade to really adjust.  Now I've unadjusted slightly so I can be different.


I love soccer and have played every year for a while now even though I broke my leg playing it last year :-\. That kinda sucked.


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