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LoA thread


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

OK I posted an LOA in the WT SG, but I'm going to be on enough to RP here (It will be my time out). I will be on LOA for a few weeks in late Jan next year, but I'll post it closer to the time. *runs off to RP*

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm going to do this now as tomorrow is a long long long day. I'm flying out Wed. morning to go to Disenyland. I'll be back early Sunday morning, but probably not on DM too much that day as we are catching a Red eye flight. Ugh mornings! LOL Anyway I'll be stealing Keyholder for the four days as well so consider this a warning. *G*

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  • 1 month later...

1) I'm on LoLa due to the financial year end at work at the moment till further notice (no longer than 1 more month, looks like).


2) I'll be on LOA from the 18th of March as I'm having my operation on the 19th. I honestly have no clue when I'll be back from that, as I have no idea how long I will be kept in hospital and what state I'll be in when I come out. If possible, I will text Tynaal with an update.

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  • 3 weeks later...

1) I'm on LoLa due to the financial year end at work at the moment till further notice (no longer than 1 more month, looks like).


2) I'll be on LOA from the 18th of March as I'm having my operation on the 19th. I honestly have no clue when I'll be back from that, as I have no idea how long I will be kept in hospital and what state I'll be in when I come out. If possible, I will text Tynaal with an update.


Sort of back, as and when I have time and energy. This means please contact Rashi and / or Ama as your first option if possible.

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  • 2 months later...

But remember to wring every last possible drop out of Chilli while you can. DM will still be here when you get back, but you might never get the opportunity to go to Chilli again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So if you didn't know my mother has walking pneumonia and my stepdad is getting over it. So i'm taking care of them and trying to keep up on house work etc. On top of that my beautiful baby girl, my cat, was run over by a car this morning. I'm completely torn up about that as well, so that being said. I'm on very reduced activity around here. If you need me please PM or Im me. Thanks everyone.

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