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Bones - Fox - Thurs 8pm est

Far Dareis Mai

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The season premiere was tonight and I thought it was awesome. Booth was in a coma and came back all freaked that he might be 'different'. Cindy Lauper guest stars as a psychic, and the continued romantic strain between Boreanaz and Deschanel is getting a little tired for me. I think that things are going to finally come to a head this season (I also secretly think that it's going to be the last season).

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I'm with you both...GREAT season premier.


I thought it was hilarious that Booth doesn't hate clowns anymore.  Cindy Lauper blesses almost anything she touches IMO!  And no intern of the week was both a good and bad thing for me.  Good because I got tired of them constantly switching, and I really want to see Zak come back.  Bad because some of the characters that were in the intern of the week slot were kinda fun to watch.



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What was with the frickin gross-out-factor last night though!?!?!?


Dude, I know!  I'm usually not grossed out by tv and movie gore, but this episode really churned my stomach.  I watched on Hulu today at the office since no one was there.  I think the people in the next office space could hear my exclamations of "Eww" and "Gross" and "Nasty!

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