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Stargate Universe - SyFy - Fri 9pm est


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I was pretty happy with the opening 2 hours.  Looking forward to seeing it finished off next week in the 3rd part.  As someone who doesn't watch (yet anyway) BSG, I have no idea what people are talking about here when they make comparisons, however; watching it as a Stargate fan, I'm happy we have another set of Stargate stories to follow and really want to continue watching to see where this takes us.  I agree with someone who said the sex scene seemed a bit like they were trying to force people to see this is grittier though.


Favorite character right off the bat is Ely!!!  And most likely will stay that way.  I know what I like in a man...and sometimes it's 'dork'!!!

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Oh yeah, sex scenes was a big head shaker for me.  Doesn't tell me it's gritty, just needing filler, or having troubles with the writing.  Hope there's not much more, though I can see there will be a couple more in the future by the looks of the trailers.


They had plenty of sexual tension between Sam and Jack without it going anywhere.  C'mon writers, don't do this to Stargate.

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I liked the opener and I will most likely follow the series for a while. I never listen to the reviews since they almost always write criticisms unless the show is absolutely stellar. It was a good season opener, a bit slow in the pacing for a bit but it created enough tension between characters and plot mystery to keep you coming back. Lets hope they can keep it going.

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When did people start hating on sex scenes? 


Sex scenes aren't unique, they don't move the story along in any way that couldn't have been done better without it.  I'm not watching a show to see two people bump uglies, I want a story. 


It's just lazy and sloppy.

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Ehh... this 2 minute scene actually had a purpose.  It pointed out a love interest which will continue to cause tension between that main guy and a soldier that reports to him.  I expect that in one of the next few episodes this tension comes to some kind of climax (no pun intended). 


So basically I am disagreeing with the lot of you.  There are TONS more problems with this show other than this sex scene.

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If you want I can come over and cover your eyes whenever a sex scene comes on.  Or just tell you they were wrestling....




...but your opinions are not. They're quite apt, really.

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Me Sad.  Me Travel.  Me No Get To Watch Till Sunday. :(


So I start my vacation today, and I'm going to visit family for two nights, which means that I'll be too busy to watch Stargate Universer or any of the other 5 or 6 shows we watch on Fridays.  I'm sad about this, but happy that when I get back on Sunday I can sit down with Dale and do a marathon of favorite shows and know that I don't have to go to work again till the 26th ;D

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  • 2 weeks later...
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This show is starting to grow on me.


Same... But half the deaths in the show, like the senator I can't help but think... Durrr

okay. the shuttle bay door won't close. only way to close the door is from inside... Why not rig that 'ball' fatty found, to hit the button?

Life saved!


okay... What kind of ship design, has only ONE DOOR by the shuttle bay? Seriosly? YOu always have Multiple compartments incase one area of the ship become wrecked! So the shuttle bay door is fucked... Why not close off the doors around it? A duuur. :P

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