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If I Should Die... O.o


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I'm glad to know you've all got events planned out... :D


Although I think Mystie's idea cracked me up the most! ;D ;D



Well, fortunately for us, the two tornadoes didn't really do much damage in our town, although I don't know how the county fared.  I must say, my family especially has been very blessed when it comes to storms.  In 1998, there were bad tornadoes all across Iowa, and I'd imagine elsewhere, too.  We had 4 tornadoes go through the part of Dubuque where we lived, and a couple went just a few streets over.  But we had no damage.  We never have had tornado damage affect us directly.  A couple years ago, we had a terrible ice storm in the winter, and school was cancelled for a few days, and the first day back at school half the kids weren't there because they were staying with relatives until their houses got fixed.  But though trees fell over in our neighborhood, our block never lost power, even when the rest of the town did.


Also, we've had storms where neighbors on either side of us lost power, but we didn't (we have no generator).  We've had houses next to us have flooding in their basement, but we've never flooded.


I'd love to say it's just because we're the best prepared, or we're all perfect angels or something, but really, it's just that we've been very very blessed.  So, basically, no storm damage.  :D

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