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Ok guys, I need your help.


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Day one of no smoking!




I have been smoking since I was 13 years old. I am 6 months away from 29. I smoke a pack a day.


My husband is also a smoker. He also started when he was 13 and he is about to turn 32!  :o He smokes 2 packs a day.


We bought the patch today and I have the first one on.

Last time I tried to quit I was able to go 10 days smoke free. This time I want it gone forever. **nods**


I hope to be able to start running in the mornings or afternoons. I hope that I will control the hunger with sugar free candy. I hope to control the anger with breathing techniques.


Facts: It takes 30 days to break a habit.

      A craving will only last for 3 minuets.

      A person will try 10 times to quit smoking before succeeding.

      There are 6 stages to quitting smoking. I am in stage 4.



Why I want to stop smoking.

1)Smell. I stink, my husband stinks, my kids stink, my house stinks, and my car stinks. I am tired of it

2)Money. We spend at least $15.00 a day on cigarettes. Sometimes more. Thats $105.00 a week. $420.00 a month. Over $5000.00 a year. :o

3) Health. I think we all know this one.

4)Time. I feel like every time I go outside to smoke I am taking that time away from my kids. 5 minuets smoking outside = 1 hour and 40 minuets a day.



So help me out. I will be looking at the above reasons multiple times a day, and excuse me if I am snappy. I will try hard not to be.  :D


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I have a friend who quit smoking and she did this thing that I hear really works. She smoked a few cigarettes, than she put them and the ashes into a glass jar with some water, after that she put the jar in the sun, and everytime she wanted to pick up a smoke, she opened the jar, she said that was enough every single time to remind her why she was doing that. *Hugs* Good luck sweetie, I will be cheering you on!

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I will tell everyone I know they have permission to slap me if I take it up again.


I think it is crazy to see people that have stopped for a good amount of time just to start up again.


But I have never been in that posisition so **shrug**


I know my mom has not smoked is like 30 some years and she still says she gets cravings.

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My husband quit cold turkey about... holy crap! 10 years ago! He said what worked for him is knowing that the first one was going to hurt and that I would be terribly disappointed (I've never smoked a day in my life). He drank water, but I understand replacement therapy isn't always the best route...


Let me know what I can do to help!


Maybe we can set up a reward calendar for you? Incentive charts work with 10 year olds... *smiles*


So, what do you want us to do for you? We'll compile a list and arrange them in an increasingly fun chart...


what do you think?


You want to be Org Leader for a day?

You want extra Happy Mail?


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I'm with you all the way Torrie, I smoke myself and I've been trying to cut down and quit for a few months now.  I'm 30, smoked since I was 14, 2 and a half packs a day.  I'm now down to about half a pack a day and its getting easier.  I know its not outright quitting, but for me its a VAST improvement.  Everyone in my house smokes so unless we all decide to quit for good I know its just not going to happen, too much temptation, but for now I'm happy to really cut down.  We roll our own cigs which definitely helps in putting off smoking time.  *lol*


I really hope you make it girl!!  I have faith in you.  ;D

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Hi Blig! Good to meet you and thanks for the support! Stick around and see what happens.



Well day 2 and no ciggys! **dances** At this point I don't have the patch on. I can tell I want one but its not bad.

The worse time for me is at night. I chain smoke at night. So what I was thinking is that I put the patch on later and later in the day. Yesterday I put it on at 9:30am, today I will try for 10:30am. Tomorrow at 11:30am. Hopefully getting where I don't need it at all. **fingers crossed**



Good for your hubby, Lor! I don't think I have the strength to go cold turkey. (Who came up with the term "cold Turkey" anyway)


You know I think an incentive program would be wonderful. I think it might really help. **Hugs everyone in the tread** I don't think I could be Org leader though. I will leave that up to you. **grin**

And you are right, if it can work with 10 year olds, it will work with me, too!




I have heard of that Sam, but cannot pay for it right now. I also know 2 people that have been hypnotized. It worked wonders for them.


Kelly the WT org has asked me to organize a thread/class/support group with lots of info on stopping. You can always look over it and when you are ready use them. I have also had a doctor tell me that just like everything else in this world if you don't overindulge then it is ok. He told me 5 ciggys a day and that was it. Me, I cannot do 5 a day so I need to stop.

It is hard to stop when someone else is smoking in the house. So far my husband was banded from the house last night. He is supposed to stop today.

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*is hugged* *blushes* Lol, nice to meet you to.  ;D


OH! I just thought of something that might could help you. Do you play video games? My dad has all kinds of health problems like one is gout (however you spell it) in his foot. He says that when he plays Halo it takes his mind of his back, knees, feet...makes him think about playing the game and takes his mind off of his pains. I love playing Grand Theft Auto 4 every now and then to take my mind off of things and help me relax. Maybe you could find a game that helps you forget about your cravings.  :)


Also if you get cranky, video games will help you by letting you take your anger out on evil people.  ;)



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lol Good idea. Especially killing evil people. I am having anger issues right now. My boss is a slack  a**.


Right now I am waiting on Gamefly to send me 2 new games for the Wii. Just finished Legend of Zelda. Awesome game.

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We have a Wii, also!  We have Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess and I just can't get into it.  I do enjoy Legos Star Wars, though, as well as the Legos Indiana Jones game.  I wonder if they'll come out with a Legos Harry Potter?  That would be awesome!


I'm not a smoker either but my step-dad used to smoke.  He quit cold turkey when I was about 8 or so.  See, I used to get car sick in the back seat and as the back seat is where kids sit, I used to get car sick alot.  I managed to keep the contents in my stomach most of the time . . . however, one time when we lived in Germany, he lit up a cigarette as we were going down some windy, hilly road and I puked my guts up (and, no, I didn't get my head out the window in time). 


Good luck quitting!  You can do it!  We'll be here to cheer you on!  Oh, and Legos Star Wars would be a good game to take your wrath out on - you can be a light saber character and cut Storm Troopers or Siths or sand people up, or you can be a blaster character and blow them to bits.  You can destroy things, build things, blow things up with thermal detonators (when you are bounty hunter character).  Yep, lots of fun!  Oh, and when you're fighting the Emperor (Darth Sidious) you can pretend he's your boss!


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*grins* So, you didn't tell me what priveledges you want! Come on, now. This is called "ownership." *grins* When you have ownership of the decision, you tend to stick to it more!

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I mostly quit several years ago.  I can do the 5-a-day thing.  But I did have to totally quit for a few months and my best help came from Starlite peppermints and worry beads.  I need something in my hand, as well as my mouth (alright, stop thinking NOW, several of you).  Just a string of beads to move through my fingers, especially when I was driving, my worst gotta-smoke moments. 


And, distract yourself.  Whenever you think you just have to have one, tell yourself "I'll just do one more load of laundry or just one more sink of dishes, or one more lap around the park then I'll have one."  It's amazing how you can delay until you just don't do it at all.



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Good point.


Ummm lets see. I like happy mail. I am thinking of making myself some milestone siggys. One Month, three months, six months, etc.


as well as my mouth (alright, stop thinking NOW, several of you). 

HeHeHe. Sorry. I'll stop now.


Well with the patch there is a very big chance of heart attach and stroke, so I cannot smoke any. But yes I have been trying to distract myself all night.


I also have Game Fly for the Wii. Its great I would tell anyone to get it.

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Ok, so here's what I'll do. I'll sit down this weekend and build you an incentive chart that we'll hang in the Knitting Circle. Then we'll just check it off. If you'll promise to give me a few days to put it together, I will make it worth your while. :D


And I'll help make sigs, too... ;)

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That would be cool. I cannot wait to see the chart. And happy mail to and from anyone is a good thing. I think that I will be putting a request in for the siggys. I want them to be really really cool and I am just not up there yet on my skills.  :-\



Day 4: So far so good. I walked past one of the guys that I work with that smokes, and I have to say he was stinky! lol I used to smell like that.



Speaking of smells. I think mine is comeing back. Little things smell much much stronger now than they did before.  ;D

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