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[TV] So You Think You Can Dance


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Askar... and ... i dont have a name for him yet...  Wait is his name Oscar?  So it's Ashkar and Oscar?  I could be way off... Bitollio.. or something...


Throw her around!  


She was much stronger than him for some reason.  But I thought the dance was very graceful.  Oh Dear... Mary is going to cry.  


I don't know if people grow Nigel, I just think they find better routines to dance.


And Krak.... I wish Bendy Girl had a sister...


Wait... did she? 



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Ooo lets learn something about them... one can text and one can can cook.... whoopie!


I am not crazy about the girl... but she danced really good last week.  I think her hair throws me off...


I found that better than the first Jazz.  She is one of the strongest girls.


I think Bendy girl is on the hot seat tonight... their performance was the worst so far. 


Ooo the judges agree with my girl pick. 


I would love to see The Neck and The Hair dancing together.

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Something is weird with this girls eyes. 


Oh dear... contemporary...  I am not getting attached to either of these dancers... I already think they are in the bottom 3 again watching their interview...




And we have found the guy going home this week I think.


I like the girl this week.. she is wearing a teddy or something...


Ok the wife and I both agree he was weak...  but Mary loves him. 


I guess I am wrong or something. 


Can we vote off Little C?

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Well I'm 3 hours behind y'all so :P


Anyways, first dance of the night! I must admit Evan and Randi are one of my favorite couples, if not my favorite. I loved the dance and thought it was fun *giggle* but I don't think it will be the best of the night. I'm not worried they will be in the bottom 3 though. Did you see Kat caress Evan's shoulder while he was being critiqued?


Dance #2: Ade and whatsherfaceballerina: I liked it for the most part. I found some of the moves kind of...ackward? Like most of the times he was carrying her. I liked the costumes though! And I think they did dance well, I just wasn't a huge fan of the choreography. I really didn't like the song.


Dance #3: Jason and Caitlin, yay Shane Sparks! Another of my favorite couples. I didn't really buy them as a hip-hop couple though I think Lil C was rather harsh about it. They were a little...soft? Sadness though, I love them.


Dance #4: Jeanette and Brandon. I've liked the Disco numbers that I've seen on SYTYCD so I'm looking forward to the dance though I don't much like the couple, I like Brandon but not Jeanette. All those muscles without the gym? Yum. Yep I still like Disco ;D Yeah the Not's are annoying! And the yelling is hurting my ears *clicks mute*


Dance #5: Asuka and Vitolio. I"m not a huge fan of either tbh. Though I must say I really do admire Vitolio's drive. Yay Enya! I totally love doing that twirl trick with little kids ;D It was beautiful I will admit but I still don't much like them as a couple, maybe if they were paired with different dancers?


Dance #6: Kayla and Max. Weird costumes O.o I liked the dance though! I missed the style because my Grandparents were talking to me though. <3 Kayla!


Dance #7: Jonathon and Carla. Contemporary! And a new Choreographer. I love this song! Not a fan of Jonathon. I mean it's cool that he started dancing because he was a fan of the show and then made it but I really think he's showing his amatuerishness now. I really like Carla though. Not agreeing with Mary's comments here.


Dance #8: Yay! One of my favorite couples ;D I love Philip and I like Jeanine. Oooh Tango, uh oh. I'm not worried about them, they're pretty popular.


Dance #9: Ashely and Kupono. Yay Shane Sparks again! Though why do we have two hip-hop dances in the episode when there are so many styles out there? I like them but it's rather annoying. Much better than the first one though! I really liked some of the moves though ;D


Overall last week was much better than this week.


Also! The judges are all on twitter, so if you use it and want to hear their "tweets" here are the links:




Adam Shankman

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Right off the bat I have to state for the record that I LOVE Brandon...if he weren't such a big girl I would have his babies...that being said...(yes my name is Pot and Brandon can be my kettle)


I love this show, and I think the disco number was Fantastic if you remove the female component.  That's the fastest disco number that's been on the show since it started.


Also, Brian Freedman being back gives me mixed feelings.  On one hand...it's obvious he's one of my people and is quite well respected in both the Pop and Hip-Hop worlds, which I think is great.  On the other hand...it SUCKS that he seems so standoffishly bitchy sometimes.  Almost like he's above everyone. 


Mia Michaels is one of my favorite Choreographers on the show, but I agree that she's been a bit bitchy this year.  I'm thinking she went through a bad breakup between last season and this one.


Don't have any predictions about who might go home tonight because even though I just watched the show last night I can't remember anything for the most part but the disco number, even with all the reminders on previous posts from Empy and Liathiana.


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3 - Bendy Blond Girl and the Bad hip hop routine.  I actually blame the choreography for this one.


8 - Tango... Girl in half black outfit.  Little C - Bend your knees snafoo.  The popper that everyone adores.


9 - Other Hip Hopp.. the shadow one.  The guy was terrible (Hawaii dude), the girl was pretty good.  The one where Nigel said they were just getting started when they ended it.  Again... I blame the choreography on that.



I would love to see the judges blame the people that are at fault.

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And Krak.... I wish Bendy Girl had a sister...


Wait... did she? 




She Does have a sister!!!  Remember?  Curly blonde hair??  Almost as cute, not as bendy.  Not nearly as bendy.  She actually was the better dancer at first blush. 

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Another night! ;D


Karla and Jonathon: I really loved the routine but they weren't the best couple to perform it. Unfortunately he didn't really get all that gangster which was sad because I think it would have been aweeeeesome if a good couple had performed it!


Asuka and Vitolio: Jazz. Meh, it was okay. It didn't blow me away though. This is a bad start to the night! I thought the outfit was hot on her though!


Ade and Melissa: The Rhumba (or however you spell it) Much better than the first two! I could definitely feel the emotion from them. The only thing I really didn't much like was the pairing of the song and the dance style, it was too disconnected to me and I think it detracted from how well they danced.


Rock Hip Hop: They killed it. And her outfit was hot! Brandon did really really well!


The New Couple, Kayla and Kupono: I like the song and the dance was beautiful. Not perfect but that's to be expected with the Viennese Waltz.


Yay my Evan! Oooh and a Mia Michaels routine. And Randi. My favorite couple, do me proud! ;D Loved it! Too much butt comments by the judges >.<


Jason and Caitlyn: Paso Doble (sp) My FAVORITE dance ;D They better do well! I love O Fortuna. Hmm...they aren't super believable. Hands didn't meet when they should have, not powerful enough. Love the costumes though! Not the best of the night.


Jeanene and Philip: Yay Broadway! I LOVE the music, I'm definitely that kind of girl ;D I love Musicals too! ;D It brings back memories of my childhood...*sighs dreamily* :blink I somehow missed the couch jump? Oops! I really really liked the number though ;D


Bottom 3 picks: Jason and Caitlyn, Asuka and Vitolio, Karla and Jonathon

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Krak: Wed 8-10 pm is the performances. Thur 9-10 pm is the finale show.


So far I've got one bottom 3 pair correct...Asuka and Vitolio.


Edit: Yep I picked all 3! Karla and Jonathon, and Caitlyn and Jason danced for their lives.


I agree with letting go Asuka, I was pulling more for Karla and I knew Caitlyn had it in the bag.


I also agree with the choice of letting go Jonathon. I don't think he's nearly been a strong enough dancer this season.

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Sadly I was excited about watching this tonight. 


I was very excited to see a guy in the audience when they were panning through at the start.


The show just started and here is my prediction..


The break dance boy and crazy eye girl....

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Janette & Brandon - Cha cha cha - What an Amazing couple!!!  I seriously can't believe that Brandon is doing so well with all of this ballroom stuff.  I mean, Nigel's right, this was the Best Cha cha I remember seeing on the show ever.  They were perfect for me.


Kayla & Kopono - Contemporary - I just love Sonya.  She really challenges the conventions of what people normally think is beautiful choreography.  Much like Wade Robson.  Of course, Kopono will excel with her choreography.  And it also pushes Kayla.  I was very impressed in their synchronization.  I like this pairing very much.


Randy & Evan - Broadway - This is a new choreographer, so this could be interesting.  Ehh, wasn't diggin' it.  Randy was weird.  So weird in fact, that I couldn' really watch Evan.  


Kaitlin & Jason - Jazz - Bendy girl is a meh for me.  She's missing something.  There's some sort of a missed connection or something.  I dunno, Meh.  And it just made it even weirder that Nigel kept getting the Impregnating bit backwards.


Janine & Philip - Hip Hop - Really interesting dance.  There was a couple of moments where Philip was leaving Jeanine behind a little, but overall they work together.  I was missing just a touch of fire, however.  The somber tone brought it down a little for me.  But apparently I'm the only one because the judges loved it.


Melissa & Ade - pas de daux - oh how wonderful!  Melissa gets to dance her dream!  How lucky we are that the ballerina drew the pas de deux.  We get to see her dance en pointe.  I totally cried.  


Karla & Vitolio - Quickstep - Cute number.  LOVED the costume trick!!!!  I agree 100% with everything Mia said on this one.  


Bottom three prediction:


Randi & Evan

Vitolio & Karla

Caitlin & Jason

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I have to agree with your picks, Mendorah. I thought Brandon and Jeanette did wonderfully, Melissa made me cry, too, and I loved the trick with the costume with Karla, but I don't think it is enough to save her. Phillip and Janine were good, too. I love Evan, but I think he's going to be in trouble this week.

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America got it so wrong.  Except for Karla & Vitolio.  I can kind of understand Philip and Janeane (sp?) it wasn't my favorite either, but Kayla and Koupono???????  Seriously????


I'm glad Karla and Vitolio are both the ones sent home tonight.  I was really afraid for Koupono because I thought that Vitolio did a little better.  And Vitolio just rips my heart out with his life story.  But Koupono and Karla did not deserve to be in the bottom 3.  And I'm a little confused that they didn't like Kayla's solo.  I Loved it!

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