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Bill & Twin's Excellent Adventure

Auld Manriva

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OK Kinsters... I know yer all awaitin' news of Twinnie's excursion into the deepest darkest depths of the Southland. Well, here's a few pics of the midpoint taken just this morning. A'fore they shoved off westward to New Orleans. I took em' to Felix's Fish Camp last nicht so Twin could have "real seafood".. She liked the fried oysters. Couldn't get her to down any raw ones, though there was tabasco a'plenty about the joint and saltines ;D ..... I'll let her tell about her run in with one o'them Apple Martini fellers.... This morning we hoisted anchor and went to see The Battleship Alabama. One of Bill's must see's.






and yes.. That IS a Mobile River Delta Welcome Wagon Representative, about a 10 footer. That pic was from about a hundred yards off the stern on the port (left) side. It had two other smaller playmates in that little cove with 'im.


Right about now, Bill & Twin should be checked in to their "most excellent" accommodations in the French Quarter and preparing for their evening Cemetery Tour..... Jeeez! The things some folks will visit! Them buggers is all planted ABOVE GROUND!!


*grins* Ya'll really are going to turn me a nasty shade of green with this envy I'm suffering from! I'm so glad ya'll had fun!


*smiles* And thanks for the pics, Manny! I so need to update the collage on my wall...

Guest dragonsworn1991

I am glad both of you are enjoying yourselves. I can't wait to see more.


*claps and bounces, hugs and smooches Manny*


Thank you for posting those pics hon!!  LOL  I am still looking for mine where ever bill downloaded them.....as soon as I do though..I have a few to post too!!  *winks*


I'M BACK!!  *giggles and hugs everyone and bounces around*


I had a terrific, wonderful, amazing time with my Bill and seeing so many new and interesting things!  And along the way...I had the privledge and joy of spending time with Kelly girl..Kris for those of you from the band and of course my one and only Pirate...*grins*  Manny! *grins from ear to ear*  They are all just as fabulous in person as they are here!  Actually even more than here!  You can actually hug them and get hugged!! 


I have loads to tell you all...in fact you'll prolly wish i'd shut up eventually!  LOL!  FOr now though...this is hello and telling you I"m officially back!  I missed each and every one of you!  I've been reading and trying to catch up on what's going on here in my Kinland..*grins*  boy you have all been busy!!  The tea party siggies are gorgeous kelly girl!  and the Red sashes are doing a great job with our Birthday!!  I'm glad you're all hanging in there and basically ok!  *smiles at everyone!*


*hugs Lor really tight*  hang in there my dearest sistertwin!  Georgia is in my near future!  LOL  Bill says it is a MUST DO!  *winks*


Tommorrow I will start telling the tale of "bill and Twin's Excellant Adventure", adding new bits every day! 


Actually, it is very cool that Manny named this thread as he did!  At our Wedding..bill and I had t-shirts made for everyone in the wedding party that said, "bill and Linnea's excellant Adventure"  LOL!  and had a phone box on it and our date..which is june 23rd! *grins*  13 years this month!  Amazing how well those dolphin tattoo's we have work huh manny? 


I love you all and missed you and am really glad to be back with you!


*hugs and love*



Wonderful to have you back, Twinny.


The Red sashes have been doing a great job.


Rest a bit then come back and tell us all about it and post picts!


YAY!!! I'm so glad you're back, and I can't wait to hear all about the rest of your trip!!  PICS LOTS OF PICS!! :D  *snuggles*  I just LOVED getting to meet you and Bill, and I know the others had just as much fun.  ;) 


Thanks for the wonderful welcome back everyone!!  I'm so sorry though!  I posted I was back and disappeared again!  Sheesh!  But as per normal..I got sick...just a minor infection and am feeling better now..so hopefully between today and tommorrow I will get pics and a "travelogue" posted!  LOL!


thanks all!


LOL I actually started to work with my pics tonite..thought I had them all uploaded on photobucket and then I don't know what happened, but only five of them loaded... ::) :P :-X  NO naughty words..nope not me!!  ;)  and now I'm to pooped to mess with it again!  So I'll try again tommorrow!  *grins*  Never fear!  I will show and tell!


ROFLMAO!!! those pics (and comments) are hilarious! Looks like you all had a fantastic time, which is so cool! Never even realised you were going off to meet Kris and Manny, Twintwin! lol


Hope you feel better soon love *snuggles*


I absolutely LOVE the first pic, especially with the caption on it. Frigging hilarious that one!! LMAO


We ain't forgot about this thread Twin.. Ya gonna post some or just email some to me and The Doctor will work some piratical surgery on em...  ;D


i'm glad you havn't forgot and i havn't either!  LOL bill loved the caption on the first pic also..lOL i just assumed you all knew he was referring to the boat...


I will prolly send you some manny..i do need some help!


I am better but have a family situation that is going to be taking up some time for the next few weeks..hopefully i'll get some time to put up my pics though!


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