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Random OP Score Generators

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Question though.  Shouldn't the upper limits be kicked up a tad?  I believe the 38/34 limit on strength is for final distribution, not buying strength.  So in order to actually reach those strengths, higher numbers have to be available.  Barring bonus strength points, a male character needs ... 44 points to max his strength.  Assuming relatively normal distribution.

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I agree with Lav, I thought the ranges outline are the max range, period.


If you added up the elemental strength scores for a woman that are max for the element before they start costing extra points, you would have

Fire 5 Earth 5 Spirit 6 Air 8 Water 8 = 32 str.


This is a fairly balanced character in all elements, but still significantly weaker in fire and earth.


To end up with a str of 34 (the female max) after distribution, we would be giving our women rolls of as high as 36.  A woman with a 36 could distribute their elements into

Fire 6 Earth 6 Spirit 6 Air 8 Water 8= 34 str (36 rolled), which to me is MUCH too powerful and even across the board.  It begins to defeat the purpose of having a give and take in your score distribution and becomes strong in all five elements.


According to the table of Forsaken we have (http://blacktowerdiv.wordpress.com/the-one-power/), Moggy had a strength of 36.  I don't think that we should have any initiates within striking distance of her, period.  Those sort of scores should be reserved for the main plotline characters.


To end up with a str of 38 (the male max) after distribution, you would be giving your BT boys rolls of up to 44 means they could have

Fire 8 Earth 8 Spirit 8 Air 7 Water 7= 38 str (44 rolled).  Again, much too powerful and even across the board in my view.  A male channeler with this strength would be stronger than Moggy, Asmo, tied with Graendal, and within striking distance of Mesanna and Semirhage.


So yeah, I think the ranges listed on strength 22-34 for women and 26-38 for men should be the max buying points you can have.

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That gives us a problem with the high end penalties then.  Any score after 32 is penalized (assuming regular distribution).


Average female strength is 28 and she can get up to a 33 if she has a maxed buying allowance.  Giving her up to 5 points higher than the average score.


Men, start at an average of 32, meaning that anyone gets above average is automatically penalized.  And if maximum buying allowance is 38, that makes the male maximum score a 35.  Only 3 points greater than average, and only 2 points higher than a maxed out female.


When you add in skill scores to get potency, what do you get?  For maximum strengthed characters you end up with:


Female - 33 Str, 38 Skill = 71 potency

Male  - 35 Str, 34 Skill = 69 potency


So women can get within 1 point of maximum strength, but men can only get halfway.  After skill is added, any above average female gets an advantage over an above average male.


Bonus strength points for men are penalized even further because of the 2-1 trade for scores of 9 or 10, forcing him to dump the points into a air or water.  There are no penalties attached to bonus skill points, are there? 

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, (surprise surprise!) I'm a bit confused here. Not so much about how the system works, but moreso about this generator. Can we use the numbers this generator comes up with for our character or no? From when I had read the White Tower website, it said that Strength + Skill scores will be submitted upon approval, so I never really looked for this kind of thread. Then again, I could totally just be jumping the gun because I haven't received approval yet and by extension, those scores.. if they are handed out.


Wow, I ramble. Anyway, back to my main point! Can we use these scores for our characters from this generator?

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No, the Staff use the Generators to randomly give you an OP Strength and Skill score - then you have to do all the work of breaking it down into your element strengths  :D

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