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Rank The Movies Thread


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So here is how it is done.  I am going to list some movies, you rank them from best to worst.  Feel free to expand on why you ranked them the way you did. 



Star Trek 11 (the new one), The Dark Knight, Star Wars, Wrath of Khan, Iron Man, Spiderman, Transformers, X-men, 300, and Star Trek the motion Picture




Edit:  Also once the responses Stall out, I will put up another group of movies.

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1. Star Wars - Hard to not put this at the top

2. Wrath of Khan - Classic... Dark Knight doesn't deserve this spot yet.

3. The Dark Knight - Heath Ledger's joker sets this film above the others.

4. Star Trek the motion Picture - Again a classic that spurned all other movies.  No way does the new one outrank the old one.

5. New Star Trek - Great movie that enjoyed much more than the ones on the list, even with all the problems that plague it. 

6. Iron Man

7. X-men

8. 300 - Great movie but not one I have to watch over and over.

9. Spiderman - For some reason this movie bores me.

10. Transformers - You all know how I feel about this one.


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1. Iron Man

2. The Dark Knight

3. Transformers

4. Star Wars

5. New Star Trek

6. Spiderman

7. Wrath of Khan

8. Star Trek the Motion Picture

9. X-Men

10. 300


**I've actually never seen Wrath of Khan or The Star Trek Motion Picture movie, but I must assume they are better than 9 & 10.

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1. Star Wars

2. The Dark knight

3. Iron Man

4. 300

5. X-men

6. Spiderman

7. Transformers


Omitting Star Trek movies, as I have yet to see them.

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Well I've never actually seen any Star Trek anything until the new movie--and only because my husband dragged me (which is funny because he's never seen anything Star Trek related either), but yeah..I'll have to put that on my list of things to do someday before I die. ;)

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Iron Man - Seriously, can there be a better comic book movie?

The Dark Knight - I can't figure it out, but theres something about the movie I just can't rate as 100/100, its about 85/100 in my books atm. Just don't watch American Psycho before watching this.

Star Trek the Motion Picture

300 - WOW was the only thing that came to mind when I first saw it.

X-Men - I saw this in the theatre, It was great when I watched it. Sucks though, I had sun burn and was peeling while it happened but it was still great.

Spiderman - This was freaking awesome when it came out.

Star Trek 11

Star Wars - You didn't list which one. ;) but either way its below ST11. :P

Transformers - It was alright, I'm looking forward to the 2nd one more. Hopefully that one will have that thing called a plot.


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1. Iron Man- to my thinking THE best Marvel film.

2. The Dark Knight- All hale the return of Frank Miller’s Batman and Joker, and death to the nearly as campy as Adam West, George Clooney Batman!

3. Star Wars- namely because John Williams is the man and I heart Obi-Wan!

4. 300- Great flick, but high on the list for artistry and cast.

5. Star Trek the motion Picture- you can not deny the original (but personally I love Picard over Kirk)

6. Transformers- I still love it regardless

7. Wrath of Khan- Ricardo Montalban any one?

8. New Star Trek (even though I haven’t seen it yet)

9. X-men- ruined by the third movie

10. Spiderman- ruin utterly by the third movie. *shakes head*



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1. Star Wars

2. Wrath Of Khan

3. Star Trek The Motion Picture

4. The Dark Knight

5. X-Men

6. Spiderman

7. Iron Man

8. Transformers


10. 300


I have yet to see the new Star Trek, so there might be some change there. I am 100% sure I will rate it higher than that piece of trash that was 300 though. And it is extremely likely I will rate it higher than Transformers, but that is yet to be seen.

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1. Star Wars - Need more be said?

2. Iron Man - One of the best comic book adaptations thusfar

3. The Dark Knight - Ledger's Joker was quite impressive. The Batman voice aside, it was all around quite good.

4. Star Trek 11 - I enjoyed it, and the actor who played Scottie is my man-crush

5. 300 - I enjoyed it, not amazing though.

6. X-Men - It was ok, not exceedingly great by any means.

7. Spiderman - Meh, Dafoe was the only thing it had going for it.

8. Transformers - I've seen the beginning and the end, but not the middle, and I have no desire to see the middle


Haven't Seen: Wrath of Khan, Star Trek the motion Picture

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1. Star Wars

2. Wrath Of Khan

3. Star Trek The Motion Picture

4. The Dark Knight

5. X-Men

6. Spiderman

7. Iron Man

8. Transformers


10. 300


I have yet to see the new Star Trek, so there might be some change there. I am 100% sure I will rate it higher than that piece of trash that was 300 though. And it is extremely likely I will rate it higher than Transformers, but that is yet to be seen.


I feel like my brain is about to implode---Maj and I finally agree about something entertainment-wise. :P

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Rank these.  (If you are late, feel free to rank the last bunch too)


V for Vendetta

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

The Matrix

2001: A Space Odyssey


Donnie Darko

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Night of the Living Dead


Blade Runner

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1 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring -- This movie just blew me away. I was so engrossed in how P.J. expressed his interpretation of the book.

2 Serenity -- Much of this is simple undying devotion to Joss.

3 The Matrix -- This is the first movie when I was of an age (I think I was 17 when it was released), to absolutely astound me with it's concept.

4 V for Vendetta -- I appreciate what they were trying to do, more than what they actually did, I think.

5 Aliens -- The last time I saw this I was really young, but I remember thinking that S.W. was completely bad ass.

6 Donnie Darko -- Just a good movie.

7 Blade Runner -- You know, I didn't really like this movie, but I liked the others less.

8 2001: A Space Odyssey -- I have to be honest and say that I'm not a big Kubrick fan.

9 Terminator 2: Judgment Day --  Yeah...no...

10 Night of the Living Dead -- don't like scary


I don't enjoy scary movies. Was never a fan of the Terminator movies.


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1. The Matrix - first was really good, so I'm ignoring the fact that there were sequels to ruin it.

2. Serenity - I love firefly so muchly

3. Lotr - All those movies were really good

4. V for Vendetta - It was good, not amazing

5. Terminator 2 - I enjoyed it, again, not amazing


I haven't seen the rest to rate them.

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1. Night of the Living Dead- Best social commentary movie ever.

2. The Matrix- Philosophy with kung fu.  What's not to love?

3. Donnie Darko- The best movie I never understood.

4. 2001: A Space Odyssey- Three words: Also Spracht Zarathustra.

5. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring- I think Tolkien would approve.

6. V for Vendetta- Used as proof that you can't make an Alan Moore comic movie.  Fun ride nonetheless.

7. Aliens- Throat rape by facehugger?  Nah.

8. Terminator 2: Judgment Day- The evil robot is the good guy?  WTF?!


Wow, give me a tough choice, why doncha? :P

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1 Aliens - The top 3 could be easily interchangable depending on my feelings that day.

2 2001: A Space Odyssey - A little long winded but develops a great plot.  Not like movies these days with lots of flash and nothing behind the eyes.

3 Night of the Living Dead - Simple, elegant and brilliant.

4 The Matrix - I rank this one high because this is one of the few movies that I knew nothing about going into the theatre and blew me away.

5 Serenity - Joss Whedon knows how to tell a story.

6 Blade Runner - Great movie that so few watched or understood. 

7 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - It was great and exactly what I expected.

8 Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Sequels so rarely outshine the original. 

9 Donnie Darko - I love watching and thinking about this movie.  Too bad they are making a sequel.

10 V for Vendetta - Eh.  It was ok but I didn't fall in love with it.


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The Matrix - Sorry, but if you don't rank this as OMFG AWESOME when you intially saw the first movie, well you suck man! YOU SUCK! Oh, and I liked 3, Take that suckers.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Blade Runner


V for Vendetta

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

2001: A Space Odyssey  - Never wathced all the way through. I know its good. At least, thats what the voices in my head tell me.

Night of the Living Dead - I perfer Evil Dead.

Donnie Darko - never seen it.





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1. 2001: A Space Odyssey.

2. Aliens

3. Night of the Living Dead

4. Serenity

5. Terminator 2: Judgment Day

6. The Matrix

7. Donnie Darko

8. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

9. Blade Runner

10. V for Vendetta


And an update of the first list, now that I have seen the new Star Trek...

1. Star Wars

2. Wrath Of Khan

3. Star Trek The Motion Picture

4. The Dark Knight

5. X-Men

6. Spiderman

7. Iron Man

8. Star Trek Academy

9. Transformers


10. 300


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1. Star Wars

2. Wrath of Khan

3. Dark Knight

4. X-Men

5. Iron Man

6. Transformers

7. Spiderman

8. 300



1. Fellowship of the Ring

2. The Matrix  -- What an incredible movie with incredible visuals and great storytelling.  I actually didn't mind Matrix Reloaded, but Revolutions BLEW

3. V for Vendetta

4. Serenity

5. Blade Runner

6. T2


Haven't seen the rest

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Serenity - First time I saw it, I found it okay, after watching firefly, I found it awesome : p

The Matrix - Immensly good, awesome in every imaginable way

V for Vendetta - Pretty goshdarned good as well, deviates largely from the comic, but they're both great in their own ways

Fellowship of the ring - I love this, why would I not.

Blade Runner - ditto

T2 - ditto

Aliens - ditto

Donnie Darko - ditto

Night of the living dead - I preffered dawn and day

2001 - It's... it's very special, that's for sure. I saw it at an inconvenient time, being tired. I shall rewatch it sometime in the future, knowing what it actually is, and possibly enjoy it more




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Summer Blockbusters...



Dark Knight

Star Wars


Raiders of the Lost Ark

Jurassic Park

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Independence Day

Top Gun


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1. Star Wars

2. Top Gun

3. Raiders of the lost ark

4. Dark Knight

5. Independence Day

6. Jaws

7. Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl

8. Jurassic Park

9. E.T.

10. Spiderman

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