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The Blue/Green/Purple Thread of Inquisition!


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ok folks the answers and questions are updated and posted to here!!  Remember yes or no answers as well as questions! ;)


and could you do me a favor?  When answering a question post the question with  your answer?  you can copy and paste or do the quote thing either way...lol just makes it easier for me to keep it all straight!



and don't forget to ask questions of the Red Sash and Council folks too!!!  *grins*

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Dragonsworn is your person from a movie before 1960? No


Dragonsworn: Is your character a non-human of some sort? Yes


1.  Is your character old? (Taei) It doesn't specify, but as I perceive it, Yes





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Guest dragonsworn1991

Dragonsworn, does your character sing (whether singly or as a group)? Yes





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Guest dragonsworn1991

dragonsworn, is your character childlike in nature?  No



dragonsworn1991 was your movie released between 1960 and 1970? No





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Jaydena: Manny is your character a man?


Whilst you ruminate, let me illuminate! One could make that claim, meaning YES. Though maybe a tad light in the loafers, which I"m not so sure he wears actually, but if he did they would surely have pennies tucked away, must complete the ensemble mustn't we?  :-\  ;D




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