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Welcome Back, Taya!


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I can edit it and have a "time lapse" if you like, I guess I just assumed you'd take care of the time lapse :P


EDIT: I edited it! (lots of instances of the word 'edit' in this post!) So hopefully it works now? :)


EDIT #2: Laddie! how long has it been since I RPd with YOU, I ask??? sure feels like aeons, at least *g* It would be awesome to write with you! Will have to think about what to do. :)

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I can edit it and have a "time lapse" if you like, I guess I just assumed you'd take care of the time lapse :P


Sweetie, this is your RP - I just respond to what you wrote. I have to do about 4 or 5 of these a month, and if I had to do a whole "waffle" first post with each person, I'd run out of inspiration pretty fast.  :P


(A "waffle" post is when the other person gives me absolute nothing to respond to, and I have to make up a 250 word post, or I'd be reduced to saying: "Enter. Yes, can I help you?")


I usually refer people who are new to RPing to this thread (link: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,39373.0.html) and ask them to read that before they start RPing. Since you're an experienced RPer, I didn't send you that link, but I've just added a bit in that Claire wrote up - you might find that useful :)


You can PM me at any time if you'd like to discuss how the thread goes.


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