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uber excited!!! im going to the UK to meet Kara... THIS FRIDAY!!


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just in case you been wondering why I haven't been around much lately. I been running around like a chicken with no head trying to get everything done lol. I'm leaving to visit Kara on Friday!!

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I most certainly have!!  LOL  Now I won't have to chase you down on my Twinnie Quest to find my Kinsters!!  Although..*winks*  it could be fun finding you AND kara together!!


*hugs*  have fun sweetling!  hug each other for me and have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When will you be back then?

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hehe, yup. I will and it will!! :D Oh don't you worry Twintwin, we'll be hugging and smooching all over the place!


and it's always a good thing to be hunted down by the Twinmachine. ;)

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Yay for visiting DM'ers! *grins* I want pics... *crosses her arms and refuses to hear excuses why she can't have them*


If I have to stay home and be jealous, the least you can do is provide pics... *nods*

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