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Hello all Kin members!


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Hi! I'm Torrie. I am a 28 year old working wife and mother of 2. My kids are my life at this point. They are my babies. I coach 5 year old soccer. I enjoying making sigs for people but I'm learning so I'm not that good yet. I work in a cemetery (odd I know, but I enjoy it).


Ummm... So what about you? Tell me about yourselves and ask any questions you have.  ;D

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Welcome to the Kin sweetie. Well let's see, I am a stay at home Mom, I have a 7 year old named Jackie, and a 9 month old named Jacub. I like in Idaho and I like to scrapbook, make sigs as well, and am fairly creative based. I look forward to getting to know you.

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*grins* Jackie is a girl.


Hey there, Torrie! :D It's wonderful to meet you! You wanna join our little org? I offer lots of luvin', plenty of nicety, and absolutely NO DRAMA. *smiles* It also comes with this fabulous blue sash and some neato knitting needles... ;)


I'm a 31 year old mother of 1. Peanut just turned 18 months old yesterday (shocked the #@$%(&#$ out of me, btw). I'm an elementary school teacher in southern Georgia who dances (I clog), writes, does whatever crafty thing I get my hands on and plays BUNCO once a month with a couple of elder ladies. *grins* My baby is my life, too.

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No drama is my place to be. I hate drama. Why cant everyone just get along?  ???


I don't get into the role playing so you will not see me much other than in the Orgs. I have to say that this place is a lot nicer than a lot of the other forums. There are a lot of snippy people out there.  :D


The time just flies when you have kids. The last 5 years have seemed to disappear. Much faster than the 23 before them. Peanut is what I used to call my youngest. She is 2 and has just hit 20 pounds. She is a little thing, but has the temper of a badger.


Lets see, I enjoy crafts, but don't get to mess with them as often as i like and most of the time it is simple stuff that the girls can do. I enjoy cooking but, again, most of the time it has to be fast and simple.


Work takes up a lot of my time. I have to be very dedicated to my families. I work a lot with people that have recently lost a family member. I hope that you don't mind... "death talk". I know that some people don't want to talk about it, but i am in front of it every day. Plus sometimes I have some weird stories.  :)




Oh yes, I think I would like to join. ;)





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*grins* hooray!


*wraps a blue sash around Torrie's hips and kisses both cheeks*


Welcome to the Kin! I'll go send off the e-mail to get you added to the forums right now!


I totally understand work being a time-hog, believe me. The worst part about being a teacher is that I never get to shut it off! We won't mind death talk, I guess. It's a natural part of life, so... *shrugs* It's nice that you're there for them to talk to... and here for us to talk to, too! *smiles*


And be careful getting me started about Peanut. *grins* I can go on and on and on about my little monster. She's 18 months and firmly in the terrible twos, so there's plenty to talk about. lol

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Welcome Torrie!!!  *hugs, twirls, tosses daisy's and kisses her forehead*


I'm Twinnie...kind of Lor's sidekick...*giggles*


Ok my dear..here is your official Blue Knitting Needle!!  No no..don't worry you don't have to knit..these are for poking!!  like this...*pokes torrie with her golden needle*  *giggles*  we have great fun with these things..and no we don't poke to hurt...just to love!!!


*winks at Lor*  Ahh..truth..we are a nice org!!  LOL  Torrie..as you hang out with us.you'll find we are like a big family in many ways!!  Please just wander around the boards, jump in and post wherever you want to!  I think the sign ups for our exchange this month is past..but keep an eye open!!  Every month we do an exchange..well almost everymonth...and you can join in or not...It's up to you!


Don't forget to add your birthday to our birthday list..and our contact list if you waant to!!


Death talk..hmm so are you a grief counselor?  or hospice worker?


*Pokes Lor for fun*


HEY KINSTERS!!!  torrie is here!!  come give her a kin welcome..and yes she has her own needle now!

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Welcome to our little corner of the forums. We have our characters around here, but I'm sure you'll figure that out soon enough. hehe


Little about me, I'm a twenty-six year old mother of four. Ages 7, 6, almost 5 and 4. (The almost five has a birthday in four days). Three have birthdays in March and one in February so our second Christmas for the year is almost over. :D I've done my share of rping, but the Kin is about all I'm active in atm. I plan to one day get back into the rp side, but will need a bunch more time on my hands for that.


Anyways, welcome to the Kin, and don't worry, no one bites, at least not too hard. ;D

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**twirls with her brand new sparkly blue sash**



Sorry it took so long to post back. We got really really busy. I still don't have a bunch of time but I just wanted to say hi and thank everyone for the welcome.



Death talk..hmm so are you a grief counselor?  or hospice worker?


No, lol, more like sales. I sell land plots to people and help to arrange their funeral. I am like a funeral directors helper on the cemetery side. I have at least 2 funerals every day and so much of my talk, excpecially work talk, is about death. It has to be little light-hearted or else I end up depressed. I have had several people think that I was cold and unresponsive but the joking and cutting up is to keep me sane. :lol


**double pokes the next person to post**



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OK!  I was curious, thanks for the answer!  And honestly..humor is a part of death!  If it isn't, you are pulled into it and cannot survive the emotions!  LOL  It's like a pressure valve!


Actually, when you talk to people who have lost a loved one, many times the conversation is filled with reminiscing that includes funny things and a lot of laughter!  I know that everytime we planned a funeral, dad, mom, my brother...sitting around the table..and our funeral director was long time family friend who knew them, we spent time smiling and laughing, which made the planning if not easier, not a challenge and insurrmountable task!  *grins*  yeah i run on alot..


Ok I'm twinne and didn't really say anything about me...I am from colorado, live in Oklahoma and have been married for 13 years!  I have a lovely child named Sven..he is a 100 lb black lab!  None of the two footed kind of kids though!  I am the crafty lady...lol!  I'm always making something! No job..but somehow the days all seem to be busy or at least go by!  oh i'm 47, have been at DM for five years...and just ask if you wanna know anything else!  Oh...and i love SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hey..thanks for the pics and your birthday!!  Now if you have a longer moment one of these days..drop by the Farm..there is a getting to know you thingy..lol kind of long...that just helps us get to know you better!!  LOL  and there is one there for almost all our kin folk these days..you can learn more about us reading them too!!!


*says all this while poking and fencing after being double poked*

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*Pokes Torrie.....and Twinnie for good measure*


Hey Torrie, good to see you making your way around. 


I am Samurai, Sam for short.  Like you I like to make siggies, although I tend to lack the time.  I am a 32 yr old father of 2...3...2....well, in 8 days it will be 3.  :D  Other than Sigs I like to draw and play the drums.  Other than that it is all work and spending time with the family. 

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Three easier to handle than two? o.0 Wish I could figure out how that one works. In my experience you just have learned more on how to keep everything semi-under control when the next one is born. *nods*

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I sooo envy you all...one or more!!  LOL  although at this point I am content with the Auntie role!!


Oh Torrie..can you see the Blue Sash boards?  They are connected at the Farm.  If you can please check in there!!  If you can' just let me know here hon!  Thanks!

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WOOT! Another wolfie joins. Welcome Torrie  :D I can see you're well on your way to feeling right at home lol. *hugs*


*whispers to Twin* That's my Guidee that is... yes, another one *eyes Samkins* lol

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*pokes Sam*


*hugs Tay*  Well from here looks like she is doing the Guiding!  LOL  She got you back here to post!!  Bout time you showed up!!  :-* *pokes*


and Torrie is fitting right in, like shes always been!!  LOL


See now "borrowing"  is fine..its like the auntie thing..i get to give them back!!  *grins*  At this point, having my own would be overwhelming..i'd need a nanny!

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***Hugs Tay*** Seems like a great place to be. *grin*


See now "borrowing"  is fine..its like the auntie thing..i get to give them back!!  *grins*  At this point, having my own would be overwhelming..i'd need a nanny!


That is what my sister says. My first daughter she bonded very deeply with but now that there are 2 kids, she is no where near as interested in keeping them. LOL


I got to meet someone that had a full time nanny the other day. I was very very jealous.

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