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[TV] Kings - March 15


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The characters seem almost like parodies of themselves. :P The wide eyed farm boy who is put in the big city, the Machiavellian leader who will do whatever it takes to consolidate/grow his power, the party boy son who believes he's entitled to more.  The only characters that were at all interesting to me were Queen Rose and Rev Samuel.  I agree with the first review that it was just way overblown in the premiere.  I'll probably try to stick it out a few more episodes and see if I start to care more. :P

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If the show was just 45 minutes of Ian McShane being Ian McShane, Kings would rock... As it is, I don't give a crap about any of the younger characters.


It's an interesting concept for a show, but I don't think it'll survive the first season. This sort of show really belongs on HBO or Showtime. Network crap will kill it before it has a chance to warm up.

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  • Community Administrator

If the show was just 45 minutes of Ian McShane being Ian McShane, Kings would rock... As it is, I don't give a crap about any of the younger characters.


It's an interesting concept for a show, but I don't think it'll survive the first season. This sort of show really belongs on HBO or Showtime. Network crap will kill it before it has a chance to warm up.


NBC scrapped So many awesome shows last season. Like New Amsterdam, and that other show that I can't recal but was just as awesome... Even though they put it in the DEAD SLOT hour, and couldn't understand why it wasn't beating shows like Heroes and Lost.....

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I watched the first couple episodes this weekend, and I liked it. It's not amazing, but it will make it into my rotation. Ian McShane alone is worth it, and I want to see if the rest of the characters develop plot lines worth following. They have potential, I'm hoping they reach some of it.

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Well hopefully the show starts to pick up from here. The LAST thign this show needs is to stagnant its self till the season finale like other 'popular shows' are doing. Hopefully it'll pick up and stop being a slow prick. ;) Its still interesting but its just slooooowww at this point.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Despite positive reviews, ratings for NBC's "Kings" have been poor enough that the network is pulling the show from Sunday nights. The remaining eight episodes of Kings will air on Saturday nights at 8PM starting April 18.
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Maybe putting a show on Sunday night is...err... dumb.


Kind of like putting them on Friday night. 


Yeh, but given what the shows about Its kinda ironic it being on sunday night...

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I have watched this show, and I almost really like it, but there's something that's stopping me and I'm not sure what it is. I would have kept watching it until I either started to really like it or figured out why I don't. Guess now I won't have the chance.

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  • 1 month later...

Zashara said in another thread...


OKay, i know this show is basically dead, but I, in my genius, watched the pilot yesterday and thought it was kinda cool.


I liked the contrast between David and the King and the King's Son. Liked the whole part with the Brother-in-Law basically having control (puppetmaster!). The themes of the rich/powerful making the decisions and the poor/non-powerful going to die for it was another good one.

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