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Elaynes Children


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I would guess she's still in her first trimester. None of the other storylines seemed to have progressed more than a few weeks. Plus there is no mention of new maternity dresses being sown for her, just that her current gowns are starting to get snug. Not to mention I think tender breasts and severe mood swings are in the earlier stages of pregnancy, not the later stages.


As a woman who last was pregnant last year I agree with Jinjurluv... Elayne cannot be so far in her pregnancy yet. Tender breasts and morning sickness is most common in the early stages, often such signs disappear somewhere in the 4th month, when the waist begins to disappear too... it shows later when it's the first pregnancy, but then she's going to have twins so she will problaby need new dresses soon (depending on how snug they are sewn).


But, mood swings will problably continue. A pregnant woman is not to be trifled with ... if you belive mood swings are only signs of early pregnancy, hten you haven't lived with a pregnant woman in the 9th (or 10th) month :lol:


We should also remember that even if a pregnancy usually is 40 weeks, Elayne problbly will give birth earlier. Twins are ofter born earlier, and with all her stress in the stew...


also isn't a week 10 days in WOT? So if the biology is the same :-) she should give birth after 28 weeks! Anyway 280 days for a normal pregnancy - but you are right twins often come early.


I just checked the time line on http://www.users.bigpond.com/steven_cooper/wotchron.htm


they don't mention the action :-) but the bonding and it was 70 days before the end of KOD

so 10 weeks in our time or a 1/4 of the whole time.


like when she bonded Rand you mean? *puzzled* as far as i know she hasnt done any bonding after she got pregnant. so i guess it wont..


i think what you are thinking of is why that pregnant aiel-woman (i cant remember her name right now) couldnt be part of the sisterbonding between elayne and aviendha,and that was because her children would be part of the bond..


I would not be surprised if Rand doesnt find out until Elayne gives birth, I doubt it will matter how far he is when that happens, he will notice it.


I had gotten the impression that she had been pregnant for just a few weeks or less than a month on our calendar time. But I should point out that Rand, if he is truly bonded should be able to know about the pregnancy. I mean look at Crown of Swords and PoD. He nearly felt every feeling that Alanna(?) felt and the closeness of the bond between Elayne and Birgitte? Rand should at least know something is amiss.


I agree, IF Rand has a minute or two to focus on Elayne so should he become aware that something is different... or maybe not.


I guess he would problably think Elayne was sick, because the only pregnant-thing she's got physically is morning sickness. Since Rand probably don't know anything about pregnancies (except on cows ans such) I guess he simply wouldn't recognize the signs. And her "mental state" isn't that much different than usual...


I wonder if he will notice anyting when the babies start kicking... I agree with algspkr though - she shouldn't be able to miss that SOMETHING is happening when she gives birth...


Anjanon wrote:

they don't mention the action but the bonding and it was 70 days before the end of KOD

so 10 weeks in our time or a 1/4 of the whole time.


70 days is 10 weeks for us, I agree. But then Elayne is not "10 weeks pregnant". The counting of the 40 pregnany weeks actually starts the first day of the womans' last period. Usuall 2 weeks before "the action" that makes her pragnant. So with that in mind Elayne is about 12 weeks along at the end of KoD. At that time in my pregnancies the morning sickness disappeared, but I was also constantly sleepy - and hungry :)


The distance between them seems to muffle pretty much everything but a sense of direction, and even then its not like a baby is an injury... he may detect her shifting emotions but not much else.


What I menat was tha IF Rand even realizes that something is different with Elayne, it's just the "tender stomach" he would notice... and by that he could easily think she's sick. But most problably he will not notice anything.


When it comes to giving birth it will be another story. That's quote painful you know... Rand is sure to feel that even from very far away, and I guess Birgitte will be quite incapacitated...

Guest Cadsuane

Lol, Luckers... Birth isn't an injury, you're right, but it's not the fact that it's an injury that lets the bonded feel their bonder, it's just simply PAIN. And birth (I've heard), is sure painful!


you are right Minnea - I forgot about that - don't have any children myself :-), just learned it all in physio school ages ago.


I don't think Rand would feel anything even if he was closer - he basically only "knows" the feeling of Elayne via the bond since she is pregnant - so he would not feel the difference. He might think that she is always been funny with her moods etc


I think he should learn about it before she gives birth - I'm not sure if we will actually see the children be born in the last book, sounds like TG is close at hand and the last few books all played with in a few weeks rather then month. So if there isn't a big time gap between KOD and AMOL - Elyane will still be pregnant at TG and pretty useless :-( when it comes to channeling


Elyane doesn't get morning sickness becuase she can channel. That's a channeling "perk" to off set the trouble channeling while pregent.


Caddy, my caddy. Don't be silly. Pain at birth is a myth women made up the make men feel guilty.


I meant the actual process of pregnancy, the discomfort Elayne feels like doesn't transmit accross the bond at that distance... her actually giving birth likely will though.

Pain at birth is a myth women made up the make men feel guilty.


Now you're out on a very very dangerous path, Luckers... :x You should not say things like that where women who HAVE given birth (twice for me) may hear you.


Have you ever had cramp in a muscle? Try imagine having that cramp in all of your stomach and back, and you will come quite near to the feeling. It's just that those cramps gets worse and worse and comes every second minute or so...



But, actually, there ARE women who give birth without feeeling any pain, or feeling very little. It's true... but for most of us it's not.


I agree that the "process of pregnancy" probably will not transfer across the bond... but there are things that happen during pregnancy that might - if Elayne will suffer from it. Not all women does.


I thought so ... and I'm not really angry, just felt the need :lol: to comment.


But, seriously.

What if Elayne goes into labour at some very critical time for Rand... say some time during a risky battle, how will it affect him?

Guest Majsju
But, seriously.

What if Elayne goes into labour at some very critical time for Rand... say some time during a risky battle, how will it affect him?


And just why would Elayne tag along to a battle? As long as she's pregnant, she can't channel properly, she can't move as swift as necessary, she's basically completely useless. Look at what happened because Min decided to tag along in KOD, only bringing a pregnant Elayne would be risking even more.


I did not mean that Elayne would "tag along" to a battle (although it would be like her - and it would maybe result in the way as when Rand was born).


I'm not very good at remembering how a Warder feels his AS - emotions, pain and so on. That was what I meant... if Rand feels Elayne in labour (and he isn't able to block it in any way) he might be quite useless too...

  • 2 weeks later...

Something to think about though is that Rand knew the wise ones had taken Aviendha with them. So somewhere they musta have crossed paths again. Being as how she loves him too its is quite likely perhaps she would have let him in on the fact he was gonna be a daddy.


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