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Aiel Around?


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  Ok warrior trainees, heads up! There has been some restructuring. First over the E-mail I will send you a text file about Ji'e'toh. Read it, feel free task any questions if you have any. Now, as boring as this might seem this will actually get you to WS of 9. And once it is out of the way we're off to more fun stuff, such as playing pranks on the Wise One Apprentices for example ;)


  So heads up and check your mailboxes

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Not quite all craftsmen. Blacksmith are given special protection because their function as weaponsmiths. If you take away the blacksmith you seriously disrupt the weapon production and repair process. Because of that blacksmiths can not be taken Gai'shan. A silversmith for example, can be take hostage, since his work is not so vital. As for women - well women with children under the age of ten can not be taken gai'shain, because at that age the child is still very much dependant on it's mother. Also, child under 15 can not be taken Gai'Shain.


  Well, I believe we're all done with this one. Congratulations Lady and Gentlemen, you're now at WS of 9. I will start working on getting you ready to apply to join a society

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