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Changes and announcements! (attn ALL)


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As some of you may have noticed we seem to have an influx of new members, which is absolutely fantastic! I couldn’t be happier about it, but that very fact has made me fall a little behind in my DL type duties. As a solution I have added another member to my already wonderful Staff. Effective immediately Sieve will be the Assistant MoT.


What does this mean you ask? Well….until I am caught up Sieve will be using an NSW to do the intro threads. He will also be helping me check trainee reqs. Yay! *claps*


How does this work ICly you ask? Your wonderful, sweet, delicate Mistress of Trainees Thera has found herself to be with child (Jasine al’Thorin’s). So until such time that she has said baby she will on a leave of absence of her duties.


But wait..Does this mean she won’t be in the Yards? Oh no no, she will be around to watch over all her little kiddos (that’s you guys)


Back in OOC world I will be getting caught up on all my back work, but I will still be around to RP and answer any questions you have. Basically I will be doing what a DL is supposed to *ggls*In all truth it should free up more of my time since a lot of my work can be done while I am on the site. For all intro RP’s I am currently involved in they will be finished with Thera. (Sorry, there is no getting out of that)


So, I ask you all to welcome him with open arms and to be gentle as he finds his ‘sea legs’ so to speak.



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I'm sure you'll do more than fine, dear.  As both member and admin, I thank you for being willing to step up and help out in a div you love.  Though I'm sure Eqwina probably worked some black magic to make it happen.  *grins*

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