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Finnish newbie says hello


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Hi, I am Blodeuedd and found my way here from Finland :)

I used to be a member over at wotmania but that was long ago so when I saw they were closing I decided to move on to a new forum. Dunno why I haven't been on a real forum for a while since I love the books more than anything.


Can't say when I started reading them, must be over 10 years now. I first read them in Swedish, and then moved on to reading them in English. Right now I am re-reading them so they will be fresh in my mind when the last book comes out. I can't wait for that.


I love the world, and the characters. Book 1 is the book I have re-read the most, it's is my fav.


I am sure I will like it here  ;D

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Hi Blodeuedd!  I haven't been to wotmania much myself, but what with them closing down I am sure we will meet many more of the maniacs in the coming days!  It is good to have you here with us at DM!  Check out our discussion groups, the organizations, and if you have a hankering to try writing in the WoT world yourself, we have an excellent RP section (the Dragon Reborn divisions).  Again welcome, and enjoy yourself!



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Welcome to Dragon Mount  ;D!


As Claireducky said check out the Orgs and Divs to see if you like any of them (You don't have to join any of them, I am a member of only the Wolfkin div and of none of the orgs) and if you have any questions feel free to ask me or if I don't know the answer I will pass it along to one of the other staff.


Again welcome, it is sad WoTmaina is closing but all things come to an end. Have fun Storming the mount  ;D

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